noni noni who has tried it? | Arthritis Information


noni noni who has tried it and did it help at all?  i was given a bottle today.  i will give anything a chance.  let me know your experiences.  wonderwomanI haven't heard of it.. what is it?I did. It was amazing how it drained ny wallet and nothing elseI have a friend that made her son drink it when he was a little kid for hyperactivity and ADD and assorted other problems.  As far as I could see it didn't do anything for him.[QUOTE=6t5frlane]I did. It was amazing how it drained ny wallet and nothing else[/QUOTE]

hey 6t5 does this mean you have.. Noni Noni Cash left.. Boney2008-05-21 15:04:43After doing research on the monevie, I then went to a health food store to
chat with someone about the acai berry and one of the things he pulled from
the shelf to compare with monavie was noni juice.He said they were not exacly
the same,as in the juices put in them, but claim the same thing as helping to
reduce inflamation.
i have tried just 1 bottle of monavie about 6 weeks ago but the weather was real bad and my ra has been screwy could not tell the 1 bottle helped.   we will see with this 1 bottle of noni....  they also gave me a carbonated noni energy drink suprisingly i have not been hungry since i drank it.They were giving samples of noni juice away at our Sams club, so I thought I'd try it.  The stuff they had tasted so bad it made me gag.  I didn't buy any.Several years ago my niece was diagnosed with lupus.  After a stint with the usual RA drugs, she decided to quit them all and start drinking noni juice.  She has been a beliver ever since.  She swears it keeps her lupus under control.  She even became a distributor (which made me suspicious) but she no longer sells it and still drinks it.  However, I had told her about an article in Prevention magazine that said too much noni can cause organ damage (don't remember which organ) and she cut back at that time.  She says she only drinks it now when she knows she's going to be on her feet a lot or under a lot of stress and it still helps her so much. My niece also gained a lot of weight, but I don't know if that was from the noni or not.   She's tried to get me to try it, but I passed.  My sister (her mom, with RA) tried it with no sucess and continues to take her RA drugs. 