OT: have to laugh | Arthritis Information


I have to laugh at this......it is not funny at all but all too typical.

I have been dating on and off, nothing serious at all. When I told a certain someone of my new dx of the heart thing, he was gone.........I mean, no word.....said he wants to seek other women......I laughed, a big belly chuckle. THese guys think that the grass is somehow greener somewhere else and that other women do not become ill.  Only in Southern Michigan...oh realistically I am certain in many other places too,  but this "Michigan guys" thing is all new to me.......
THe totally predictable hilarious part of all this, the one guy I speak to that is married,(just learned this) he completely understands.........lmao!
 Go figure!
............it is like I am in the twilight zone!
Oh well,  I needed the laugh so bad......felt good to chuckle.
yeah, some people are looking for the "perfect" someone.  Not sure if that exists.One thing for certain, I am not perfect! lol
I just shake my head, do not expect much and keep all expectations at a minimum. Oh yeah, I chuckle a lot too.....I find it rather funny and very, very sad to think that so many men feel that way.
Keep in mind, I was the wife that found out about her husbands affairs , I had 2 young children, it was not an easy time for me. I was married for 21 years. SO I kind of know the flip side to the married men thing.
Anymore, I just do not give a rats patoot!
WHen reading the cardio message boards, one saying is repeated over and over again:
"It is your future, be there"
Obviously it would be easier with a supportive spouse but that is just not to be for me so I go it alone and adjust the best I can. But the realization that "some" men do not want someone over 50 with health issues was a huge laugh for me......like as if they themselves will never be ill! lololololololol
jodejjr2008-05-21 08:25:48perfect someone    Jode, you are looking at this exactly right, and I My husband knew about my health problems before we got married....but not when we first started dating. It was something I kept to myself for a while; and I'm in the sort of condition that you wouldn't know by looking at me that I have anything wrong. (Most of the time anyway)
O gave him time to love me before springing it all on him. Fair or not; that's the way I did it. He's been amazing and continues to be very supportive. Their are folks out there that will love you....just don't worry so much about finding them and let them find you. It will happen when you least expect it.
My husband and I were in pretty much perfect health when we hooked up.  We had a perfect baby, then we got pregnant again right away (planned!), and then all hell broke loose.  He had the heart attack, and I got RA.  It certainly wasn't what either of us anticipated... but as John Lennon said, "life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans!"

All I know is that we are thankful every day for the bountiful blessings we have. My family told my hubby about it before we got married, tried to tell him how hard it was. HE didn't believe me, so it kind of makes me laugh at him when he says that he didn't believe them. Good luck though, understanding guys who wanna deal with this are hard to find.Not long ago someone put me on their "mate" radar screen. Not sure why as I wasn't looking, but I wasn't sure how to explain it.  When she complained that she didn't like pain, I told her I experienced pain almost everywhere each day. That did it. Gone!  HI Jode, you are too nice to be on your own for too long, don't worry too much, Mr Right will come along.  Regards Janie. Thanks so much everyone...it is true, any man that cannot handle my RA or this heart thing, I certainly do not want him around.
It does say a lot about their character.
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