Is there a test for PA | Arthritis Information


My DH was diagnosed yesterday.  They did a blood test. (not sure why) They took about 3-4 vials of a TB test.

Our doctor said "there's no test for PA" 
However..I've read on forums that there is.  Is that true?
The reason I ask is..The doctor wants to start my DH on Humira.  There is a history of cancer in his family.  (mom, dad, brother)  All of them had different kinds of cancer. (ovarian, small cell Carcinoma, and mesothelioma) {the last 2 were smoker's cancer and asbestos cancer} 
So..what are the chances of my DH getting cancer from Humira? DH had hepatitis 35 years ago. (infectious..not the needle kind)  Will Humira cause that to come back?  PLEASE HELP.
They found out that I have PA about two months ago with blood tests and a bunch of questions.

Hi, I'm new here, but not to PsA...

Unfortunately there is no definitive test for PsA.  In fact, it is possible to have completely normal bloodwork and have severe PsA.

Some blood work that is run to assist in diagnosis:
Other tests: X-rays and MRI to find joint damage.  Joint damage usually means some sort of arthritis.  Depending on the joints affected, it may assist in diagnosis.

Diagnosis is somewhat an art from what I've gathered.  No one test will definitively say you have PsA.  It's a combination of history, symptoms and labwork.
How does psoriatic arthritis get diagnosed?
There is no specific test for psoriatic arthritis. Diagnosis is made by looking for a history of psoriasis in you or your family, together with arthritis and inflammation in at least one joint. The pattern of the disease is also assessed to see if your symptoms fall into one of the subsets of psoriatic arthritis. Fingernails and toenails are commonly affected in people with psoriatic arthritis – the nail may show signs of pitting and/or becomes separated from the nail bed, and so the doctor may check for changes in the appearance. Some tests (such as blood tests and x-rays) can be done in order to rule out other forms of arthritis. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, there is not a blood test available to specifically diagnose psoriatic arthritis – the blood test for rheumatoid arthritis appears negative in psoriatic arthritis patients. An x-ray of the joints involved can help to diagnose psoriatic arthritis, as the appearance tends to be different from other forms of arthritis.
I was diagnosed after having hand xrays.  They showed a definite deformmity particular to PsA. 
I saw a rheumatologist on Monday this week as I have Fibromyalgia but he suspects that I also have Psoriatic arthritis as well. Looking it up, I can see some of the symptoms fit how I am but he didn't do any blood tests, only an x-ray of my lower spine.

Is this a normal way to diagnose it? I may  have to have an MRI scan too.

Any advice or information would be much appreciated please.

Hi Sheila, please read my above post - there is no blood test.  It will be diagnosed by xray, exam and history.   You should have labs done to rule out rheumatoid arthritis.  But then there are some folks who are sero-negative (negative labs) who have RA.  Wish there were some pat answers but there aren't.  I hope that you do well.  Lindy