Bill Moyer Journal interview of Melody Peterson | Arthritis Information


Tomorrow will probably be the last day of the Melody Peterson interview on Our Daily Meds on the Bill Moyer Journal website before his new show.  If you haven't seen it you might check it out.

Thanks for posting this Jan.  This was a really eye opening investigative report on the pharmceutical industries heavy marketing practices.  The site also has a transcript of the interview that still should be accessible online. 
One disconcerting fact is that Petersen reports that Americans spend more on medicines than do all the people of Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina combined.  So why is this?  Is it because of all those tv drug ads?  Or cuz our gov doesn't negotiate for lower drug prices like some other countries?  Are we simply richer and have the extra cash for meds?  Are we sicker than folks in these other countries?  If we are taking all these meds shouldn't we then be healthier or have better health outcomes, compared to other industrialized countries w/universal health care we do not.
Peterson researched this subject for four years, its worthwhile to take a lot if you are interested in the role drug companies marketing practices may play in the growing number of Americans on prescription meds (50 - 60%) and its impact on growing health care costs.
