gp update | Arthritis Information


hi all i see the gp today.. he was not worried about the way
my finger tips dent in but more concerned about the burning
sensations.. he proded them whith a needle. and it never hurt
he thinks perephial neuropathy  I think I'd go nuts if I had tinnitus, but hopefully if it's something you have to live with, it will fade to the background after a while.  It's gotta be good that your bp is coming down.  Sounds like you have a good doctor.  Keep us posted.I have perephial neuropathy mainly in my legs from the knees down. Neruologist says it effects my fingers as well; but I tend to blame those sensations on Raynards.

I take Lyrica for the pain in my legs and it's made a huge difference. I'm not sure if yours is painful or just annoying; but mine is to the point that it has to be controled with medication.
hi linnen i had tinnitus then it went nearly away on mtx now its
back whith a vengence..this doc is very good    B12 deficincy was a big cause of my numbness/tingling. The neruologist discovered that. Once I started taking the B12 injections it cut down dramatically on the tingling/numbness in my feet especially. Before starting the injections I couldn't sit for long at all before my legs would go numb from the knee down. It was horrible! Scary too. I can quickly tell when it's time for another injection. I do them myself and the doctor told me I can do them as often as once a week if nessesary.
It didn't do much for the nerve damage I have due to the PN as well as some damage from an old knee surgery; but the lyrica works wonders. I hope your probelms will be as simple as B12. It's an easy fix if it is.
This is the reason I was taken off of Humira the first go round. My RD thought MAYBE the Humira was causing it. Once we realized stopping it didn't stop the problem he sent me to a neruologist and he really did help a lot.
Lovie2008-05-22 12:27:37hi  Lovie thanks for the help    The day they tested mine they called me with in two hours to infor me that mine was low. Wanted me to start the injections the next day. Since I had experience doing injections from home they let me just do them myself. Most people can do them their selves; but most people go to their doctors office about once a month and get an injection. I didn't want to fool with that; so they let me just do it.
I'll be watching for up dates on your situation Boney. Sounds like you've had to deal with this for a long time. I hope they'll be able to help you this time. hey bonesy!
Sounds like a very productive appt. I hope they find out what is causing your BP to be high. We are a little different. My bottom number of BP is high, and your top number is high. If you put both of us together, we would have normal HIGH blood pressure Naw... we have to put the high ones together... so they can find out what is wrong with us. I do not want to be stuck with low BP and still have something wrong with me. Oh wait... I guess I could always pawn that part off on your side
No, it's your fault
No, it's your fault
NO, IT'S your fault
