more pain in hips | Arthritis Information


my right hip burns so much worse than my left.  i heard that most ra is bilateral pain.  could this still be ra even though my right is worse that left. 

if i sleep on either hip for to long i have a severe burning pain that wakes me up on fire.  anyone have similar pain. j jason

Jason,  I have never experienced equal pain on both sides.  In fact, I do not always have pain on both sides.  I definitely have RA.  The burning I so relate to.  Burning and throbbing and sharp if you move it wrong.  Sorry Jason.   Sounds like ra.

What really surprised me at first was that if I try sleeping on my left side, it's still the right hip the is the most painful.

A cortisone shot in the right hip recently did help somewhat; I'm sleeping a couple hours a night now.

Rhoda,  Did they have to get to the joint with the shot?  I want a cortisone shot but I am not sure I am brave enough for them getting down to the joint

Jayboy, I always have more pain on one side.  At some point both sides usually hurt but it always starts out on one side.  try Biofreeze, it helps temporarily, enough to let you get some sleep.


What really surprised me at first was that if I try sleeping on my left side, it's still the right hip the is the most painful

That happens to me also. I was really surprised at that. It makes it so hard to sleep that I've finally given in to taking a sleeping pill at night. I take ambien but I break it into 4ths and that helps me get hours of sleep and doesn't bother me too much the next day.


I now have a limp from my left hip which has made my right knee in pain from my limp.  Can't win for losing


Hi, Roxy! By the way, to you and all: I don't yet have a computer at home so I can do this only from work.

Re: cortisone shot: the doc just pulled my slacks and undies down a little, and gave me the shot kind of where it felt like half tush and half hip. It did NOT hurt! It didn't really start working, though, for a week or so.

Oops - forgot to say this in my last post: Jason and all, my RA is bilateral, which RA usually is, but definitely not equal on both sides. Walking's kind of weird sometimes because the right hip is bad, and the left knee. Sometimes it makes me walk with kind of a lurch.

Still, I AM walking. That's a good thing!

When you read articles about RA, they don't talk much about hips being a problem so I thought I probably didn't have RA (even though doc said I did), but it sounds like I'm in good company.  The mtx did help my hip pain so I could sleep at night; thank goodness.  I hope you get relief soon!

Roxy, you are a riot!!

I got an idea.  We can be in a three legged relay and  we have so much practice we will kick butt!!!! 