Maybe AP is right for me | Arthritis Information


When they took me off pred and i wasn't taking naproxen, these are the symptoms i had...

aches and pains all over in every muscle
RA worse
lack of breathing/asthma
When i looked up my symptoms, it kept going into infections.
hi bubbagump.. maybe whithdrawl symptoms from pred...
have you seen gp for check up..


yeah... that does sound like withdrawal to me. I have had withdrawl from pred before, and I felt like I had a really bad flu and about to croak... and all I was doing was dropped down from 15mg to 10mg, but I had been on the 15mg for couple of months. My then RD told me to drop it down to 10mg without tapering slowly, he is old and did not remember to tell EVERYTHING!
Well... if not withdrawl... it would not hurt for you to give AP a try. I might really help you.
This is what I felt when i was first sick before drugs for over 6 months waiting for my first rhummy appt.  This is my normal symptoms without meds.maybe how your ra is affecting you..

Ahhh...I'm voting for AP - but you knew that! 
PipAnd the fizzle baths are the best part !!!I wish i could take a bath instead of a shower.  I am unfortunately pretty bad so i have to sit in a chair in the shower, but the hot water feels great and my husband bought a wide shower head so it pours all over and just feels great.
I have a large garden tub that came with the house (we bought it 5yrs ago) and i used it for a little over a year.  Now it holds toilet paper rolls etc. storage lol.
I see the AP doc on Wednesday, I'm more than confident it's going to be the right decision for me. Hey Greeno -
I was wondering where you'd gone off too!  Glad you're back!
Hey, is your 'don't believe the Quacks about Quackbusters?"
