Where have you been?! | Arthritis Information


Well... if you must know. hehehehe!!

I've been around. I worked on organizing my desk and ALL the crap on it! Looks like I got a lot of room now to use my sewing machine. Too bad I have a hard time sewing in a straight line
I have yet to vacuum the living room
Oh and I have been taking advantage of being able to write pretty! Yep... I can write and it almost looks like my old handwritting! I know my handwritting was not pretty before, but at least it did not look like chicken scratch! Why couldn't daughter need her reading log signed these last couple of weeks, huh... huh... huh? Oh because school is almost out.
My leg muscles are still sore and hurts to sit down or bend over still. But the rest that was sore along with it, is not so sore now. Just the back of my upper thighs. Man! I would hate to be able to do squats or lunges... my thigh muscles would explode from soreness!
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