A tribute to 9/11 | Arthritis Information


Check out this website, www.gcsdistributing.com.  When you get there, click on the featured tribute "9/11/01".  You wil have to watch it twice because the first time, your eyes will be so full of tears that you'll miss half of it.  After that, click on HOME and then watch the other tributes in honor of Korea, Vietnam. the Iraq war and the tsumani victims.  Keep your volume up for the hymns sung by the choirs of the Brigham Young University are awesome.  These are large downloads since they are all graphics, and they can take some time.  Persevere---they are worth it.  Anyone who does not appreciate our police, our firefighters and our military after viewing  these tributes has something lacking.

We RA sufferers have a tendency to fall into a well of despair and self pity and sure, we have good reason.  It is a painful and debilitating disease and it doesn't seem fair.  However, when you look at how dreadful other people's lives are in other places, at least we have recourse.  When all is said and done, we live in the greatest country in the world and help is available.  (How would you like to have RA and live in Afghanistan?  Or the  Sudan?  Or  Somalia?)  We forget that there is much suffering everywhere---it isn't just all about us.  Remembering that puts my pain in perspective.  I hope it helps yours, too.

         &nbs p;   God Bless America!
         &nbs p;    

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