Upper Stomach Pain Help!!! | Arthritis Information


I just started having upper stomach pain.  Like two days ago.  In the morning it feels like real server hungry pains.  my stomach feels like it is sore.  The stomach pains in the morning get so bad I have to find anything to eat.  I almost feel I have to Barf I agree with InnerGlow- I thought the same thing when I read your post. I had mine out 23 years ago. The pain was so bad I had to lie in a hot bathtub to breathe. I would vomit at times and I would feel better afterward. I remember it radiated straight through to my back also.

I've been having the same thing and was wondering if it was a gall bladder attack.  The pain isn't at all like indigestion or heartburn, it's lower and it also radiates to my back and HURTS SO FRICKIN BAD.  My sister had hers out but it all started when she was pregnant so they modified her diet and that helped the attacks until she could have it removed, NO fatty foods or dairy.  Just one more thing I may have to have done to my poor body.Audrey-
You will feel so much better once it's removed it will be worth it. Today they go in laproscopically (sp?). My mother had hers out a few years ago when she was in her late 70's and she had like 0 recovery down time.
I had it when they opened you up and left you with a 6 inch scar 3 months after my first C-Section.  It was still worth it!!!
There are many things that can cause upper stomach pain.  From ulcers or just gastritis, to liver or gallbladder problems.
I would visit your gp and tell them about it, they can find out exactly where it is and what to do.
If it's gallbladder, they can often take it out laparascopically.  They poke a few holes in you, pull it out, slap some band-aids on the holes and frequently send you home the same day.  You can go back to work in a week or less. Definitely get it checked out. It could also be Acid Reflux disease.Do antacids take the pain away?  When I get acid reflux, a couple of mint Rolaids will completely eliminate the pain in less than a minute. Thanks everyone for the information.  I don't think it is my gallbladder seeing I had it removed in 1998.  I was going to make an appt with the RA Doc.  I don't know if it could be the Fosamax.  I have been following the direction correctly.  I guess I could make an appt with the Gastrointestinal doc.  I'll see if I can get in next week.Hi there your2smart I am having the same problems and am due for an endoscopy next week. My pains are like an intense burning, feels like i have hot acid swirling around(stomach makes weird noises also) and i feel nauseous. I have flank pain and it hurts to breath. I am on lansoprazole until i have the endo to see whats happening. I hope you get it sorted.
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