Cordelia update | Arthritis Information


I spoke to Cordy's mother this morning as the Hospital is getting a bit touchy about non relatives calling.
Looks like she will be in hospital for another week while the pain management team monitor her recovery.
The RH was also seeing her today.

Her condition from what I can gather is a bit hit and miss but overall just a teeny bit better than when she went in..
There dosen't appear to be much improvement.

Social workers are also in contact with her to see where best they can help when she is discharged.
 That's about it in a nut shell, another week away from the computer will drive her bonkers..

I was so hoping that she would be feeling considerably better by this time.  My heart aches for her.  Thanks, Stephen for caring and keeping us updated.  LindyThanks Stephen for the update, I really do wish her well, she has been through so much lately, it must be so hard to cope on your own with a little one. I hope she starts to get some help at home when she goes back. My thoughts are with her I will light a candle for her.

At least, she's in a place, where she can get some rest, and be looked after..
sigh, i do feel so bad, for her tho.
I hope they get her doing better real soon.
Much hugs to her.
Glad that she is getting the help that she needs, I just wish they could fix her faster. HI Stephen, do you know if she has seen little Nevie, poor little girl, she must be missing Cords so much and vice versa, but I am afraid I knew it would take something like this for Cordy to get some help from the local carers.  The services are so overbooked, you have to admire them they work under so much pressure, trying to help people and only having so few resources.  But it has to be an absolute emergency to actually get on their books to begin with.  Lets all hope she gets the help she needs now.  God Bless Stephen and thanks for all your help and updates, please give Cordy our love, Janie. Thanks Stephen... my heart and prayers and working for Cordie and Nevie... This I hope, is what she needs..Stephen, thank you for the update...I just wish it were better news.  But like Whispered said, at least she's where she can get some rest, and hopefully like Janie said, this will get her the help she needs.  It is terrible what she and her daughter are going through.I'll continue to keep her in my prayers. Thanks for the update.Thanks for the update.  You're a good friend.  I was hoping she'd be better and home by now.  Her little girl must miss her mom so much, and I know Cordy misses her.  The good news is, this last crisis seems to be the one that will get her some outside help.  Here's hoping.  Thanks for letting us know..
 I am keeping my fingers crossed that they can get her feeling better soon.
