How coincidental or likely is this? | Arthritis Information


Last year was when my problems began - a very sudden onset of horrible stomach aches, which ended after a few months, but were immediately followed by arthritis.  My RD isn't certain if it's RA or SLE, but feels sure that it's one due to my symptoms, positive ANA, and some other more specific tests.

Fast-forward... about 2 months ago, my husband started having a sharp pain when he took a deep breath, followed by a sudden onset of arthritis in his hands.  Sure enough, he had blood work done, and also has a positive ANA.  Now both of us are probably going to be diagnosed with RA and seeing a Rheumatologist, taking med, within 6 months of each other.
What are the chances of this?  To me, this is a red flag that we may have been exposed to something that triggered an autoimmune response.  I've read articles that discuss this possibility, but like everything else with AI, it's rather inconclusive, a theory.
Has anyone else been diagnosed in close proximity with a spouse or family member? 
Then again, it could just be a total coincidence.  Hmmm, let the conspiracy theories begin!
hi ginger  after i was diagnosed ra my son got Kawasaki disease..
allthough not ra it is autoimmune... interesting post

Boney   my dad has ra, my mom thyroid problems, my sister crohn's, one brother ulcerative colitis and raynaulds and the other brother pancreatitis and raynaulds.  me know ra and i am the oldest siblingGinger - from my way of thinking, it's not likely at all.  My brother got some weird vertebrae infection that almost cost him his life and over a year of antibiotics.  My hope is he 'dodged a bullit'.  6 months later my husband got some sort of rare form of diabetes.  Months later I get a rare form of RA.  All after eating some raw foods in a foreign country or after camping.  (yes I had the Igenex test but was told I'm negative - I'll trying to find the actual test in my records to verify)  Since that time my SIL, my neice and my nephew (different bro - not on the trip) have developed RA, Crohn's and pre-diabetes).  Something is moving thru our family like a freight train.
You need to start researching the Infection Connection.  Check out

Ginger - at least you will have a VERY UNDERSTANDING HUSBAND :)  If you two aren't in marriage counseling, I would start now, while you are both up to it. 

Chemical exposure?  You bet - there a millions of clueless, potential AI patients pouring into the woefully inadequate medical system one at a time as this spreads. 

I am curious: how long did it take you (female) to get diagnosed (or I pickup from your post you are not yet diagnosed) and your husband (male) getting diagnosed?  Thanks. 
Best of luck ~~ Cathy
Hi Ginger,
My arthritis was also preceded by the worse stomach ache/cramps that I have ever had. This happened in 1985 when I was placer mining 120 miles north of where I live. I got so scared of the pain that I came home, the road was rough and I remember puking because of the pain when I hit a bump too hard.
Other symptoms were loose stools and I remember jolkingly telling my friends that I had sleeping sickness.
Hope this helps with your research into the cause of your arthitis.
