OK A LITTLE SCARED | Arthritis Information




Hey Roxy my hands do that when I go to pick something up when I have a lot of inflammation build up, which is mostly my right hand. It freaks me out too! But there is nothing wrong. Roxy, could be your meds.  But are you diabetic?

Luv, Sophie

Nor sure why this empty post keeps showing up!!??


Go to the clinic.  Maybe something is wrong.  Might be nothing at all.  But that's what clinics are for--so go.  If I remember right, they treated you kindly before.  You're freaked, and I don't blame you.  Breathe.  Go.

Roxy are you OK now?

Are you ok?

Whew.  I am back.  Never experienced anything like that in my life.  My middle and ring finger were literally convulsing.  Both hands trembling but my right had was like it was having a seizure.  No control.  OMG I was scared.  Ran out to the car.  Driving to the clinic, gripping the steering wheel, it started calming down.  By the time I got to the clinic they were just shaking.  I decided to just drive around and try to calm down.  I did just that.  I have been driving and now I bought myself a beer.  I am home and going to try to get grounded.  I am so sorry you guys.  I have always had so much control over my body.  It is like it does things without warning and I can't control it.  IT SCARES ME SO BAD.  I am better now.  Any of you experience this like Joonie?  This is one hell of a ride - fighting this ra monster.  I so love you guys.  I don't know what I would do if I kept this all to myself.  I am calmer now.  Sorry for the scare. 

I have had symptoms like that (uncontrollable shaking) while having panic or anxiety attacks.  Sometimes when we hyperventilate we will get pains in our wrists, our hands will go numb and our fingers will convulse or flex is what they call it.  If this is the first time this has happened to you, I would get in touch with your GP just to get checked out.  You are better to be safe than sorry, If he can't find a reason hon then it could be that you are getting really anxious and your body is going haywire yanno. Please don't ever feel like you need to apologize, we understand you Roxy and we care about you. I know some of us are so far away, but really, we are just a keypunch away



The wierdest thing is it wasn't just shaking.  Two fingers were jerking hard.  Also,  I was having a good day.  I was not stressed.  I will definitely be talking to my rd tomorrow.  I am anxious and stressed but not when this happened  Roxy... God Bless.. I am thinking of you.
Thanks Wanting to Know and all,  I am feeling better.  I have had a pretty scary week and have really depended on this support.  I am predicting next week will be better.  I will be waiting at the rd when they open tomorrow.  I promise I hope you get some answers tomorrow.

I am glad you are doing better roxy

Well, I really do not know if my hand shaking and jerking was the same as yours just something I could kinda relate to.

I sure do hope you can find out what was causing your hands to shake. Your sugar might have been down. But I do not know if that would cause your fingers to jerk. I do get low sugars alot, probably will be diabetic when I get a lil older.

I just know when my sugar is low my own body & brain feels like I am is jitters, or shock. It is weird. But I never experinced my body to shake or jerk like you describe. Maybe just a lil trembling and shaking, but it always stops after I eat some sugar.

We are hear for ya roxy! Just remember that.

"The light still shines in the darkness" John 1:5

Hi Roxy,

I'm glad you're okay.  sorry I missed you at the chatroom, I forgot to log out lol have been in there without knowing it for hours

I hope you enjoy your movie and cold beer and there is breaking news for all....


hugs to you Roxy,



I bet you were scared.I hope you get some answers and that dog gone enbrel.It has taken them forever to get your meds.

You hang in there,this week better be a good one for you,you really deserve it.


Hope you're feeling better Roxy! My fingers shake, and occasionally my little
and ring fingers go a bit spasmy, but not full on convulsions like you're
describing. *pouncehuggle*
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