ATTN: BONEY: YOU PM BUTT BOX IS FULL!! | Arthritis Information


Let me be the first to tell you, your pm box is full and the spotty butt club is no longer available!!

   Vote Nut, Vote Nut, Vote Nut
Welp you post to this post and you are member LOL![QUOTE=CinDee]Kewl.....where do I sign up? I want to float in a chocolate river like in Charlie and the Choc. Factory.[/QUOTE]
In a peanut butter boat...  mmmmmmm Reeses....
Hey I'm a founding member what position am I going to hold!  Hey guy's .....Please , Please can I be TREASURE !!!!!!  I love money..... And I really like other peoples money OK BOney that's just sick. I refuse to pop any pimples so I resign my position as president. I still want the chocolate river though and the peanut butter boat. LOLOK bitches, BACK OFF!  (You too Boney).  The chocolate river and peanut butter boat is MINE!!!!!!Jesse.....OH you didn't!!!?????????
I was my idea. I thought of the choc river first!!
I think ya'll should ask the wizard of oz for a never run dry chocolate river.