OT.. is this a strange ?.. in a chat room | Arthritis Information


hi guys, as many of you know, i'm an ardent couponer!

 I got a really nice potluck letter, full of coupons.. new person, starting to get to know. She seems nice.. but.. but last night, in the chat room , there..
and maybe bc i was tired.. but I've chatted w/ people for over 8 yrs on the net , and this is the first.. first time , a female asked me this ?.. and it kinda made me back off...
 she asked me if I was heavy or thin...(thats SUCH a guy ?, well it is!! lol, boney you know i'm right!! lol)
then she was like i'm going to come out and visit you..
silence from my end, and she was like, i'm just joking...
i'm usually good w/ vibes.. and i don't know the vibes were weird that night.. tho could have been me..

What do y'all think? Just curious :)

That would seem weird to me too.

I've been stalked by someone from a messageboard.  The board focused on local politics, and most people were not anonymous.  This troll disagreed with me (and about 20 others) politically, so she felt compelled to trash talk about us, our families, our friends, etc.  She would attend local political events where one or more of us were in attendance in order to try to start arguments in public (didn't work; no one in town takes her seriously and she was generally ignored).  The local media were bombarded by various "story" ideas from her on how "evil' and "wicked" we are... needless to say it all backfired in her face and she is now the laughing stock of the community. Hi Whispered
Sounds to me like either she was coming on to you but as you didn't take the bait she covered up by saying she was 'just joking' (I don't find that funny) or she has a weird sense of humour.
hi whispered the problem whith forums and chatter rooms is.
unless you are on webcams you dont know who you are speaking to..
for someone to say what is your build and there coming over.
maybe trying to get some personal info.. how often do we hear children
have arranged to meet someone who they think is another child..
but is a adult..

i could have joined the forum as a woman

hi everybody i am in a lot of pain. dr thinks ra
any body help. i am 28 have 9 children mavis

Listen to your intuition, it's almost never wrong.  LindyThe only time I've delt with body size on a chat/ message board has been on my crochet sites and then it's for sharing patterns or questions about making something.
Tread with care.
Yep - the internet is chock full of whackos with a few loose screws umm lol, there is a small bit, i left out blush, lol.
  first online, i call a lot of people, babe, darlin, etc..
i'm terrible at names.. and its just natural for me..
um she wouldn't and hasn't given me her name,  so i just call her babe, which she thought was weird.. lol.. i call men, women and children.. babe.. i had a 70 yr women friend, who loved being called babe, lol , think it may her feel young.
i just talk to people, sometimes , w/ a new friend, i forgot to do the slow steps.. i just talk like they're an old friend, or a gf, i'm super blunt and love to tease.. ok we're night owls, and she said she was getting into her jammies, and i was like why do you wear clothes to bed.
SEE... that could have been my mistake, LOL.. and ack
she might have thought i meant more by that, i didn't..
didn't seem to phase her..
but i swear, you know what happened was her husband, took her place... bc the vibes were so different and i just realized,
 and he/ she wouldn't let up on the weight ? and i actually answered it, but they wanted more details, what i looked like...
but our friendship hadn't got to that pt.. imo.. tho of course, i mentioned  sleeping nude, roflmao
but it was the not letting up..... boney, i know people can pretend to be, anything they want online, but i swear i'm good w/ vibes.. Several of my best best friends, are people i've never met.. ..
and i do trust my instincts..... just wanted to confirm it....
in fact, a  long time ago, talking to a good friend of mine, I KnEW it wasn't her and found out later, it wasn't.. it was her husband...very very different vibes.. plus didn't know the answers to some of my ?'s, she would have known.
i'm a bit of an empath.. and its amazing how well , you can pick up the vibes and know who's faking and who's not and believe it or not... most people ARE more their true selves, ONline..
i still don't feel comfy talking to her...tho i think it could have been me..  lol, slapping forehead, lol
ahhh ...its been a long time, since someone felt that "off" to me.. ugh...
ps: linnb and snowowl, you guys are right.. always trust your gut..... my intuition actually is pretty strong..
(but sometimes w/ the bipolar stuff, and the ra junk, i need to dbl check)
thanks all :)
Whispered2008-05-24 12:46:56you never called me Darlin   
My intuition is rarely wrong.  I pick up many things even on the forums.  Now that you told us the rest of the story.....don't go back to that relationship.  Not a good situation.  Lindy
I agree.  Let it go.  Your instincts are right and you should trust them.  There are too many wierdos out there.  You guys, Rock!  strange the night before, i was getting some off vibes.before that. so no more.
Thanks for the support and understanding! and
lol no judgements.. i would make the worst politicians wife!! LOL  lindy, again, i like how strong your faith in your intution is.. mine is usually , usually like that.. but thanks!
Hi whispered, you are an open, honest genuine person, like most of us here and for that reason sometimes we get stung, just ignore this person and they will go away.  Your friend Janie.
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