Probiotics & immunosuppressants? | Arthritis Information


As some of you may have read, I am going to visit my stepdaughter (just had cochlear implant surgery, taking prophylactic antibiotics) and my stepson (might be taking infused antibiotics in addition to his immunosuppressants for complications of Stevens Johnson Syndome in his eye).  I wanted to introduce the concept of probiotics for him, and thought it might be a good idea to start with her.  While she's an adult and can decide for herself, I thought their mother might not be so willing with her son as she likes to run everything by his specialist (understandably).

So I searched for an easy-to-understand article about probiotics and I found one here:
However, I read the part about probiotics potentially causing serious infection in patients with immunosuppressants.  Does anyone know anything more about that?  Pip?  Supposedly there was a Johns Hopkins article about it but I haven't been able to locate it.
