Enrel users...please help!!! | Arthritis Information


I'm on my 9th injection and I have a full blown flare, is that normal?  I know it says that it may take up to 3 months for the full effect but this is a little disheartening because I'm afraid that Enbrel is not working at all and I've wasted 9 weeks on something that may not do it for me.  Or is this just a fluke thing and should I give it more time?  Right now I'm using my ole faithful heating pad and Vicodin to manage the pain so I'm at least able to get to the potty by myself.  And...will the flair go away on it's own or am I going to have to go back on the prednisone?  Everytime I've had a flare I've been given pred but is that the only way to get rid of the flare or will time just do it?

Thanks for any input.
Oops, I meant to say Enbrel not Enrel.I know it's hard, but try to give it the full 3 months before you freak out.  I take enbrel and mtx, but the enbrel worked pretty quickly for me.  I still have flares, but it's never my whole body like it was before meds, and they fizzle out on their own.  I have taken pred since the meds, but that's only if I have something coming up that I really have to be normal for and don't want to wait out the flare.  Hope you get over this and feel better soon.Audry
didn't you just post a couple days ago that you were sick with a virus?  are you really sure this is the RA acting up and not the effects of your illness
I'm working on my 6th month now of Enbrel.  I've not had any full-blown flares since I started it, though that may not be a normal response.  I still would try and give it the full three months.  
I would suggest you call your RD and ask for a burst-and-taper of prednisone.  That way, he'll know you are flaring, AND you'll get something to stop it.
I think I've read that biologics (enbrel, humira, remicade) are more effective when taken with methotrexate.  You may want to discuss this w/your doctor.  You've been on enbrel for a little over 2 months?  Hang in there, maybe give it another month, before you rule it out and try something else.  Good luck, oh, p.s. I've always been on methotrexate while on a biologic, right now I'm on mtx and enbrel.  Take care, I know its hard, I've had RA 31 yrs, hoping you get some relief and feel better real soon.    buckeye, yes I has a sore throat (Doc said it was viral) but that was all it was and now it's gone.  Trust me, I know the difference between a virus and a flare!  Although, I was wondering if maybe my immune system booted up a bit trying to fight the virus and thus attacked my joints as well.  I guess time will tell, I am definitely going to continue with the Enbrel, I've come to far not to see it through, I just hope that it is going to be good for me and help me in the long run.
Thanks for everyone's kind words, this place is great and so glad I found it!  Be well.
Hi Audrey, I hope you are feeling better. I have been on Enbrel for 6 months and I had a couple of flares. Still bad weather such as rain still bothers me. I think
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