Swollen Joints After Taking Enbrel!!! | Arthritis Information


I started taking enbrel about 3 months ago for psoriasis (palms of hands/soles of feet) NO arthritis.  But after healing beautifully I have become a cripple (early morning until shower)  My fingers, hips, knees, ankles and elbows are so painful.   My derm told me to stop for 1 month to see if the pain and inflamation stops.  I am very worried that the joint pain won't go away.  I will be very upset if I have horrid skin AND this arthritic pain.  Has anyone else had a problem like this.

Thank You,
[QUOTE=Monja].  I will be very upset if I have horrid skin AND this arthritic pain.  Has anyone else had a problem like this.
Thank You,
welcome to my world 
as I posted on someone else's thread... sometimes lupus symptoms come from use of enbrel..  IDK if these symptoms would fall into that category... but it's a possibility????
Yes I had bad joint pain after my shots but I think it will get better. I took my shot yesterday after being off a month due to ending in the hospital for a bad infection. god was I sick. I was told if I have one more infection no more enbrel. They say it can be very deadly having infections. I have been on and off for 3 months now because I had 4 infections at diffrent times and ended up in the hostipal. So I am giving it one more try. You know the thing is i was not sick at all but one night I woke up and I was so dizzy I could not sit up. That the only thing. What it was they took a head scan and found out I had a very bad sisus infections. With no warnings or pain. So I am afraid at times. I read all this good stuff about it from other people and I am so happy for them. But i think my luck is almost up. I hate to think of it. They just uped my predisone to 30mg. I was down to 2-1/2mg. Almost off and now this happened. Now I got to start over.  Have a good night and wish you well. Joan
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