Can't believe what I'm reading! Very Worried! | Arthritis Information


Wow, now I'm worried.  I came across this forum because of painful joints after taking Enbrel for psoriasis (soles of feet/palms of hands).  My derm told me to stop taking the injections for 1 month to see if the joint pain goes away.  After reading alot of these posts I see I may well have AS/RA.  I dread a sneeze..... very painful in my upper spinal area!  I have had bowel problems for years.  My mother has alot of these symptoms too including psoriasis.  I do not have any eye problems, thank the Lord, but my mother's eyes run (teary) all the time!  After taking the ebrel with great success for my psoriasis, I have horrible joint pain...... my fingers, knees, elbows, ankles are swollen and very painful.  My hips hurt just to take a step.... my chiropractor said that I had a joint in my spine (1st joint above the hips) one side rotates the correct way the other side rotates the opposite way!  I am very worried and don't understand why the enbrel would cause this joint pain to start considering it is made for RA   Very wierd!  I am living on advil now just to get thru the day.  I love to play golf and am very worried I may end up having to give it up!  If anyone else has any words of advice I would appreciate it so very much!  My husband and childrens really don't understand and probably get tired of hearing about how much I hurt!

Thank You,
Monja, Hi and welcome to the forum. It could be PsA and RA or you might just have PsA.  Have you had xrays of your hands or feet.  You need to have a workup for PsA and RA.  Treatment is virtually the same but if you have it, it should be documented.  I have PsA along with RA with no skin plaques until I started Humira.   Humira prompted the skin plaques and made PsA flare.  I'm in clinical remission for RA but not PsA.  Good luck and keep us posted. 
A dermatologist can't do a rheumatology workup and he should have referred you to a rheumatologist.  If he doesn't refer you, make an appt. with your primary care physician.  You need to be seen and be evaluated.  Lindy
Dear LinB,
Thank you very much for the reply.  I will talk to my primary care doc.  I noticed that my psoriasis is starting to come back, now that I stopped the enbrel.  But the joint pain continues.  I decided to start the enbrel back yesterday.  It seems so strange to have all these problems as I have been so healthy all my life.  Just woke up one day 7 years ago with the psoriasis!  Geeeeez!  Although, I thank the Lord everyday that I DO have hands and feet and there is always someone out there with bigger and worse problems!  Again, thank you for your response.  It is nice to hear from others with these problems as friends and even family members don't understand how this effects daily living!
Best To You and Yours,
