MTX and the SUN | Arthritis Information


Yes Wannabe had to see for herself whether or not MTX makes you sensitive to the sun.

It's official! She has a nice red glow all over from her sun worshipping yesterday!
Got my vitamin D TOO!
That's enough for one weekend....

I was afraid that I'd have problems with the sun too since both MTX and Enbrel indicate they could cause sensitivity.  Lucky for me they didn't!  I have to have my sun in the summer!

Did you use sunscreen?  I didn't.It doesn't really bother me.hi Wannabe a Lobster..  foregot to say Winter has returned.. or come early in the uk  hey wannabe, I decided to test this also, I used to be a real sun worshiper, could stay out all day! well just went out for about 20 min no sunscreen and man I feel like I've been out for a few hours! need to be really careful this Summer and wear the Sun screen!!!!!!!!Boney how do you apply your wooden screen?  Do you stick it on you with duct tape?
quoty snowowl

i did try Duck tape but they pecked my face and flew off Wanted to go outside again and we have NO sunscreen! Hubby and I put on his SPF 15 aftershave lotion....  OH OH I feel a little manly
Boney- your posts are too funny!
[QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]Did you use sunscreen?  I didn't.[/QUOTE]
Nope.  Never do.  I know I should.
This is going to be blunt.

It's not what you see in the short term, it is the long term.
Ever heard of melanoma.

Don't be stupid, wear sunglasses, a hat, and cover up.

It is not a laughing matter................ Bodak2008-05-26 15:26:31When I was a child, I spent all my summers in Arkansas, where we swam and played all day in the sun and rarely used sunscreen.  My family is of mixed northern European heritage (Norwegian, Swedish, Irish, English) and we're pretty pale.  I have dark brown eyes and brown hair and rarely got burned, so I thought I was safe.

Then I got skin cancer when I was 30 and pregnant with our second child.  Actually I had it for a couple of years, but my GP and I both thought it was a small mole under my eye.  I went to get it removed because it was annoying, and the dermatologist told me it was a basal cell carcinoma.  If you ever get cancer, that's the one you want to get... but still it was pretty damn scary.

I must admit I'm a bit conflicted about sunscreen, though - I'm outside for perhaps 15 to 20 minutes a day, and I do believe that light sun exposure probably does more good than harm.  I don't eat/drink dairy, so sunlight combined with my (almost) daily multivitamin is probably the major source of my vitamin D.  I wear sunscreen on my face, as it is integrated into my daily moisturizer, but I don't reapply it throughout the day, and I don't wear sunscreen on any other exposed parts.  By the end of the summer I usually have a faint tan line on the tops of my feet from my summer shoes.

If I'm going to be outside for hours, I will wear sunscreen all over.
Last summer before I was DX'd I got a horrible rash from the sun.. my GP said it was from the use of NSAIDS.. and now w/ MTX and enbrel.. you can bet I've been careful...
I love the beach.. the sun...the sand.. the surf.. but I will be very careful..
I've always applied sunscreen but usually SPF 8 or something.... I won't forget it anymore..  I have enough "sh*t" going on that I dont' need any melanoma happening..
[QUOTE=Bodak] This is going to be blunt.

It's not what you see in the short term, it is the long term.
Ever heard of melanoma.

Don't be stupid, wear sunglasses, a hat, and cover up.

It is not a laughing matter................ [/QUOTE]

well i have worked outdoors near hallf my life and know lots of
people who still do i have never known or heard of anybody
to get melanoma..  maybe there is not enough sun in the uk..
i found it a little odd for you to react like this.. as you have not
made reactions like this on other topics  have you been overexposed

Bodak is from Australia, where they have some of the highest melanoma rates in the world.  he's probably had people close to him afflicted with melanoma or the other skin cancers. I do not have any problems with melanoma Boney, and have worked in the sun pretty well all my life as well.
As has been stated, Australia is among the highest for this type of cancer.

Sometimes it is better to use a hammer if it makes someone stop and think a little deeper.
While sunscreen will definitely be on my shopping list I will never cover up from head to toe and wear a hat. How would I absorb my Vitamin D? LOL  If I was fair perhaps I would have to but I am of Italian descent and before being on a medicine that had the potential to make you sun sensitive I did not burn not using sunscreen.
Also I limit my sun exposure to 30 minutes or less and try to stay out of the sun during the peak hours of 10-2.
