OT: Liz Trotta should be fired!! | Arthritis Information



Check her comments out. Then we talk about Imus. This is inexcusable!! She needs to hand in her resignation. Couldn't find the link you posted so I'm posting a link to the video of Trotta's remarks and to comments on Trotta's "joke" about knocking off both Osama and Obama and then laughing. 

Lorster:  I was mistaken, your link to trotta's complete remarks works.  Some are calling for her resignation, I think the better response would simply not watch Fox "News".
Joie2008-05-26 17:39:33I am not familiar with Liz Trotta, but I've obviously not missed anything. At least not anything intelligent.
I can't believe that a person in the position to be heard by so many, could actually get away with making this kind of irresponsible statement! Regardless of one's politics, there is no reason for promoting violence against anyone!
I don't watch Fox at all. Got this off Huffington Post. This is far worse than what Imus did and this woman will still be there for months and years to come. This type of statement is OK with this network. This woman needs to lose her job. Its pretty disgusting and a new low for television when a "professsional" journalist makes a joke out of killing a black Senator, a presidential candidate.  There should be some punitive action taken, if not fired at the minimum  the FCC should fine Trotter for such offensive remarks -- Janet Jackson was fined for flashing her breast on tv and created more of an uproar than Trotter's vile comments.  I guess we hold football's half-time entertainment up to a higher moral standard than we do the programming on Fox News.
The irony here is amazing - Hillary gets beat up for mentioning an absolute:  it is true RFK was assassinated after uttering a sentence about the CA primaries - and she is pounded by the press for, OMG, revealing a truth.  This bonehead on Fox gets a pass for making jokes about assassinating a black Senator and the leading D candidate for President, which I think breaks a law or two.  I don't watch Fox either, except on Sunday, just to remind myself about the term "Yellow Journalism".I didn't hear the comment (I can't stand FOX), but JSNM is right - if this woman made a threatening remark against one of the presidential candidates (rep or dem, black, white or brown) why isn't the Secret Service all up in her face? Usually when you see a small clip of anything you miss what they were talking about. It appears she made a mistake in calling him Osama and then made a bad joke after ( really bad ! ). I have never seen or heard of this woman before. Heck Ted Kennedy called him Osama twice. She should apologize to Barrack and move onThere's absolutely no defending this statement, mistake, joke or otherwise.  Doesn't matter if you're a Democrat, Republican, Man, Woman, White, Black, it's indefensible.  In this case it's even worse because of race.  Lindy It's worse because of race?  You think it would be less offensive if she were talking about a white guy?  Why?  I don't understand why race plays into this at all.  She shouldn't have said it about anyone.  Period.Does everybody here really think Hillary and Trotta want Obama killed ?? I think Fox News can be very informative. Also CNN. MSNBC reminds me of the National Enquierer. I would say look at several places for your news. I agree with Linncn. LIN B Why in the world should race be a factor. I like Fox News, although I haven't heard of Liz Trotta before now.  I don't watch it very often though.  I don't think that she was being threatening.  She wasn't saying she wants to or plans to assinate anybody.  I don't think it was an appropriate thing to say, but I've heard plenty of really hateful comments toward our President from the left.  Geez, they even made a movie about him getting assasinated.  I didn't see much outcry against that. Linncn2008-05-27 08:00:00What movie was that Linncn?An overzealous, political neophyte preteen girl got in trouble for posting on her myspace website "kill Bush."   The FBI went to her home and her mom asked they return when she came home from school.  The FBI went to the school and pulled her out of class and questioned her without the prescence of her parents.  The FBI was within their rights and the girl obviously was wrong and reckless to make such a post, and corrected her website.
This girl didn't actually want anyone killed, as Trotter probably doesn't, but both statements were irresponsible, tasteless, and disgusting.  The difference though is one is from a girl at home on her computer, while the other statements come from a professional journalist on a political segment of a major news network being broadcast into millions of viewers homes. 
In this important election year, I think most voters what to hear information about the candidates position on issues deeply affecting their lives.  Trotter does a great disservice to the media and American public in reducing her personal views and political commentary to a joke and laughing about killing a candidate she does not support.
In response to previous posts about race, yes of course a joke about knocking off "anyone" is reprehensible, but one cannot ignore our country's history of racism and still current racial attitudes and that Obama is the first Black presidential candidate.  We have had black political leaders assasinated, and we have also had white political leaders assasinated.  There has been too much violence, and Trotter seems to have forgotten that by her callous joke and disingenuous apology.
Joie, I think by reading everyone's statements here we are all on the same page about the insensitivity of what Trotta said. I would be much more alarmed at a secret indivdual posting statements about killing the President then a known ( I guess ) person on a highly watched TV show. The computer person would raise my suspicion to a much higher level then Trotta making a bad joke on TV. This is an election of firsts. Man over 70, a woman or a Bi Racial candidate. ( His mother was very white ). I think all are at some risks from extreme elementsLorster, it's called Death of a President and it was made in 2006.There is a law against making threats against the President and this also applies to a 13 year old girl and her myspace page, hence the investigation by the FBI.  I think she learned her lesson about what not to irresponsibly and recklessly post on the internet, and hopefully in the future Trotter will be more careful too, she is a professional journalist on tv and that medium is influential and powerful.
Hope all are having a pain free day. 
[QUOTE=Joie] [QUOTE=JasmineRain] [QUOTE=Joie]
In response to previous posts about race, yes of course a joke about knocking off "anyone" is reprehensible, but one cannot ignore our country's history of racism and still current racial attitudes and that Obama is the first Black presidential candidate.  We have had black political leaders assasinated, and we have also had white political leaders assasinated.  There has been too much violence, and Trotter seems to have forgotten that by her callous joke and disingenuous apology.

I gotta be honest, I'm sick and tired of hearing about his half-blackness.  She didn't make a racist remark, she made a stupid remark.  I don't think Obama's ethnicity makes her remark any worse.

He is running for President... not Black President.
As I stated in my post, such remarks against "anyone" are reprehensible.   I did not bring up the issue of race, I was simply responding to previous posts.  Whether you are sick and tired of hearing about his ethnicity, the reality is,  prejudice exists, there are still some people who will not vote for a Black for President, who will not vote for a woman for President, who will not vote for a 72 year old for President.  But what is most disturbing about her remarks is she makes a joke of knocking off a presidential candidate -- given our history of political assasinations, it has to disgust you.
Being "picked on"?  I guess we should just follow his list of things no one can mention and usher him in to  the most powerful posistion in the world. [QUOTE=Linncn]Being "picked on"?  I guess we should just follow his list of things no one can mention and usher him in to  the most powerful posistion in the world.[/QUOTE]

Someone better tell the terrorists![/QUOTE]
I'm sure they're looking forward to a heart to heart with Obama so they can finally stop terrorizing.
Linncn. I did not see that movie. Is it worth watching? [QUOTE=Linncn] Someone better tell the terrorists![/QUOTE]


Is there something wrong with talking? Or do you just continue to spread democracy from the barrel of a gun?[QUOTE=lorster]She did not call him Osama on purpose, but she did put him in the same category as Osama when she said they should both be taken out. Obama has been picked on by one group or another since he started this race. He has not been black enough, white enough, has attended a Madrasa, has had the wrong preacher, his religion has been questioned, his experience has been tested. I mean, give this guy a break and lets see what he can do for us. It is all based on what he cannot do, rather than what he can. He has excited people like Kennedy did.[/QUOTE]
!} He is Bi Racial
2)He did attend a Madrasa
3)He did have the wrong preacher
4) Legit ? have arisen do to his backround
5) He has really no experience
I'll pass on seeing what he can do
[QUOTE=lorster] [QUOTE=Linncn] Someone better tell the terrorists!


I'm sure they're looking forward to a heart to heart with Obama so they can finally stop terrorizing.

Is there something wrong with talking? Or do you just continue to spread democracy from the barrel of a gun?[/QUOTE]
So you want to talk to people that say things like the Holocost never happened ?
I'm reediting this post, cuz I happened to go back and read your post Linncn about the movie  "Death of a President."  Linncn you said:  " ... I've heard plenty of really hateful comments toward our President from the left.  Geez, they even made a movie about him getting assasinated.  I didn't see much outcry against that."
This was a British film, your comment implies that "the left" made this movie, which is incorrect and misleading.  Also, there was a lot of criticism of this movie and many theaters did not show it.  I think its important to try and be accurate about what we post, even though its just among us friends. 

Joie2008-05-27 14:49:38No, it was only had a very limited distribution in the US.  I was glad about that. Did you see it Linncn? [QUOTE=6t5frlane] [QUOTE=lorster] [QUOTE=Linncn] Someone better tell the terrorists![/QUOTE]

[/QUOTE] Is there something wrong with talking? Or do you just continue to spread democracy from the barrel of a gun?[/QUOTE]


I was never under the impression that Hitler was spreading democracay 6t5!!I was referring to the Nut Job President of Iran that Obama wants to have tea withIt is called diplomacy. Something the republicans seem to lack unless they have oil. Then they talk.
And I'm not talking about Iraq.

Furthermore, Ahmadinejad is a perfect example of:

1. You don't lie to your people.
2. You don't mix religion and government.lorster2008-05-28 09:09:30You know, reading this entire thread in order the one thing that stuck in my mind was lyrics.
The bubbleheaded bleach blonde coms on at 5.
She'll tell you about the plane crash with a gleam in her eye.
Not trying to lighten this up...but is this the calibre of journalists we have today?  I'm back to Ed Murrow and his rolling over in his grave. 
And yes, Joy, I agree, there has been a concerted effort to tie Obama and Osama together in the minds of the ...um...less intelligent. 
Pip, yesterday a poll revealed that 33 percent of Americans thing that Obama is Muslim. Either, they don't read, or they don't listen to the news, or they don't care. It is like bad gossip. I just read something that ties into this.
I'm losing hope here.

At least once a week I receive an email related to the Obama/Osama confusion.  The last one was from my cousin.  Since we were going to their house to play cribbage I thought that I'd ask her about it and boy was I taken aback.  Not only does she think that he's Muslim, she feels that there's a secret organization who has pushed and supported him in his political career.  Her theory is he's a Muslim who will destroy the United States.  There were 6 of us at the house and 4 others felt the way she did.  That's a large portion of our voting public.  Now that scares me much more than any of the political candidates. 

She didn't get this information from the news media but from individuals who are hiding behind the flat screen.  It's a systematic plan to destroy a political candidate based on fear.   Democrat, Republican, Libertarian - I don't care which affliation, this is just wrong and so sad.   Lindy

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