My DH's xray | Arthritis Information


My DH was diagnosed last week with PsA.  They did a x-ray of his hips. (that's where the pain is.)  He also has pain in shoulders x-ray there.

The x-ray showed "some inflamation" but NO damage at all. 
My question do they know it's PsA?  They want him to start on Humira.  What if it's just some infection and NOT PsA?
I know there's side affects to'm concerened about him taking this if not necessary.
He's only had pain for about 3 months. (if even that long)  It just came up on him fast.  Does that sound like PsA?
Sorry for all the questions..I"m new at this and just want to be sure we're going in the right direction.  Thanks for your help.
What does his lab work show?
Does he have psoriasis skin involvement?
[QUOTE=LinB]What does his lab work show?
Does he have psoriasis skin involvement?
Hi Lindy..his lab work showed he has inflammation in those areas.  He also was being treated in January for Psoriasis. (skin)  All of a sudden..he's got arthritis! 
He's had psoriasis for a few his hips and shoulders are inflamed.
No damage to joints..but..Rhuemy M.D. wants him to start Humira.
PsA is very difficult to diagnose.  Usually it starts in the small bones - fingers, toes, elbows but not always.  There is no constant with PsA, other than pain.  If you're uncomfortable  with the diagnosis get a second opinion.  It never hurts to get a second.  Lindy