O/T He sees Dead People now | Arthritis Information


Remember when Dan Quale misspelled Potato? The media killed him. Funny how now in the last couple of days Obama has really put his foot in his mouth and barely a response from the media. In New Mexico he was speaking about memorial Day get this " On this Memorial day as our nation honours it's fallen heroes , and I see many here today , our sense of patriotism is particularly strong. So now he see's dead people ? Then of course he remarks about GWB. John McCain qiuestioned whether Obabma even knew what Memorial day was after this , so Bill Burton Obama spokesman says " Memorial Day is a day to honor our nations veterans not a day for political posturing"  WOW !!!! So I guess now we get remove Veterans Day from the Holiday list. My Dad a lifelong Dem calls me and says. Ya know what this guy just doesn't get it. He is so out of his leaque running for President. Oh and today I see Obabma was talking about his Uncle who liberated the Jews in Aushwitz. problem is the Russians did, not us. Now I know why Hillary is staying in the raceI am fearful...  not because Obama isn't a good person and WILL be a leader capable of leading a nation SOME DAY... but he's not ready..

Your dad is right:  Ya know what this guy just doesn't get it. He is so out of his leaque running for President.
He is so wrong for 2008  I'm voting for him! 
6t5 - please clear out your mailbox because I'm trying to PM you on a different subject.
Me too Pip!

6t5. He offers fresh ideas. After the past 8 years, we need a change. I don't want a leader who plans to continue the war for 100 more years. Our economy is in the toilet, health care is suffering, education is not up to par, this place is a mess. I'm not saying that Obama is going to provide all the answers but he is willing to work on them.

If he becomes our president, I hope that you will stand behind him and work towards pulling us together and working toward a better, brighter future. I'm with you Pip.  Why are people picking up on meaningless words.  It we had spoken as much as he has in the previous months we might make a mistake too.  Lighten up people!!  Think before you attack others.   I'm not attacking... but he does not have the experience to govern an entire country AND has little or no foreign policy!!I will give him experience of two years in the US Senate..
foreign policy.. he does serve on three committees dealing w/ foreign relations.. for all of two years.. c'mon.. 
I will say that when I first saw him speak on TV two years ago... I was impressd.. I thought.. there's a man when he gains some experience who can go far.... but this is too soon.. he is NOT ready.. not seasoned.. not primed.. barely running in the experience race... 
I wish he had waited so that he could get "better" in the aspects of running a country.. he was pulled into this too soon... 
[QUOTE=lorster]Me too Pip!

6t5. He offers fresh ideas. After the past 8 years, we need a change. I don't want a leader who plans to continue the war for 100 more years. Our economy is in the toilet, health care is suffering, education is not up to par, this place is a mess. I'm not saying that Obama is going to provide all the answers but he is willing to work on them.

If he becomes our president, I hope that you will stand behind him and work towards pulling us together and working toward a better, brighter future. [/QUOTE]
And when McCain is elected you will be behind him 100% ?? Change? Well GWB is not runnung so all 3 offer a different view on many things. Sorry you feel Our country is in  a mess. All through out  time many things have been wrong but I hardly think the USA is a Mess. Obabma speas french a lot. WE have to do this and WE have to do that. Offers really no solutions. I'm no Hillary fan but compared to this empty suit she shines. It's like taking somone that works in the mailroom of IBM  ( sorry to any mailroom workers ) and making him preisdent of IBM. THis gentleman is so far from ready 
[QUOTE=GG]I'm with you Pip.  Why are people picking up on meaningless words.  It we had spoken as much as he has in the previous months we might make a mistake too.  Lighten up people!!  Think before you attack others.   [/QUOTE]
GG Hardly meaningless. Ask a WWII veteran if there is a difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day. It appears that the Obama camp has no clue
Well, I am proud to say that I will be voting for Obama.  Everyone gets "their mixed talked up" on the campaign trail.  It happens, human beings make mistakes.  I've given GWB a pass on that for years, LOL.  GWB's mixed up talk  has nothing to do with why I am so disgusted and ready for change - it is the mixed up policies that frustrate me, and I'm sorry, but I do not see much change coming is McCain is elected.  Not the change that is needed, especially when it comes to his positions on the Iraq war, the economy and health care.
And by the way, when it comes to mixed up talk, McCain doesn't know Shiite!  Karen, I think the point was the amount of media play one guy gets over his "mixed up talk" and the lack of the same for the same the other guy gets.  Yes, Hillhoney...will give prez a pass on blunders.....there are hundreds of website with them..i have included some, but the last one is a good one..

The candidates are all tired, except Mccain, these primaries should be done sooner..It's easy to make a mistake in a speech

George W Bush quotes, Bush Blunders, Bush Gaffes
Yes, believe it or not, these are all genuine quotes from the man the people elected as the 43rd US President:

Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.

I admit it, I am not one of the great linguists.

For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it.

I am a person who recognizes the fallacy of humans.

I have opinions of my own, strong opinions, but I don't always agree with them.

I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.

I know how hard it is to put food on your family.

I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe - I believe what I believe is right.

I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here.

I recently met with the finance minister of the Palestinian Authority, was very impressed by his grasp of finances.

I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating.

I think war is a dangerous place.

I understand small business growth. I was one.

I wish I wasn't the war president. Who in the heck wants to be a war president? I don't.

I'm not a very good novelist. But it'd make a pretty interesting novel.

If the terriers and bariffs are torn down, this economy will grow.

If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier - so long as I'm the dictator.

I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things.

I'm the master of low expectations.

I'm the commander - see, I don't need to explain - I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being President.

It would be a mistake for the United States Senate to allow any kind of human cloning to come out of that chamber.

Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?

Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people and neither do we.

The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur.

There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably Tennessee, that says 'Fool me once [pause], shame on…shame on you. [Long pause] Fool me. [Pause] You can't get fooled again.'

They have miscalculated me as a leader.

They misunderestimated me.

This foreign policy stuff is a little frustrating.

We cannot let terrorists and rogue nations hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile.

We need an energy bill that encourages consumption.

We ought to make the pie higher.

We're concerned about AIDS inside our White House - make no mistake about it.

Will the highways on the Internet become more few?

Do you have blacks, too? (To Brazilian President Fernando Cardoso)

When I was young and irresponsible, I was young and irresponsible.

You're free. And freedom is beautiful. And, you know, it'll take time to restore chaos and order - order out of chaos. But we will.

This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mential losses.

I think there is a Trojan horse lurking in the weeds trying to pull a fast one on the American people.

This is a world that is much more uncertain than the past. In the past we were certain, we were certain it was us versus the Russians in the past. We were certain, and therefore we had huge nuclear arsenals aimed at each other to keep the peace. That's what we were certain of…You see, even though it's an uncertain world, we're certain of some things.

It is clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and more of our imports come from overseas.

I think we agree, the past is over.

And there's no doubt in my mind, not one doubt in my mind, that we will fail.

The important question is, how many hands have I shaked.

General…I can't name the general.(When asked to name President of Pakistan)

We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease.

The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein, and his willingness to terrorize himself.

When I was a kid I remember that they used to put out there in the Old West a wanted poster. It said, Wanted: Dead or Alive.

My answer is to bring them on. (On Iraqi militants attacking US forces)

Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. -- May 1, 2003
[QUOTE=Pip!]I'm voting for him! 
6t5 - please clear out your mailbox because I'm trying to PM you on a different subject.
[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=6t5frlane] [QUOTE=lorster]Me too Pip! 6t5. He offers fresh ideas. After the past 8 years, we need a change. I don't want a leader who plans to continue the war for 100 more years. Our economy is in the toilet, health care is suffering, education is not up to par, this place is a mess. I'm not saying that Obama is going to provide all the answers but he is willing to work on them. If he becomes our president, I hope that you will stand behind him and work towards pulling us together and working toward a better, brighter future. [/QUOTE]


McCain is a smarter man. I think he will make sound decisions for our country. I will have to support him.
Who ever takes the job, has a huge job ahead of them. I don't envy them.

Yeah, I think this country is in a big mess. There is much work to do. I'm to the point where I'm not sure some of it can be fixed.ya Know Lorster I'm not sure I would envy anybody running for that office and for even " lesser " offices. Usually the Politicians that get in trouble are in the headlines but Not the guys/gals that go about there day to day workLinda61, thanks for making my point.  Or was it 6t5's point?Linda61 made my point quite wellEveryone makes mistakes big deal even GWB laughs at what he says.  We are all human and we all make mistakes unfortunately Dan Quayle will never be able to live down not being able to spell potato right.doesn't matter if i don't like George W Bush as president...I think he would have made a terrific standup comedian!

That joke, for the last press banquet he made..he was tired he got awaken , with the 3Am wakeup call..it was the damn wedding planner, cracked me up..

And those moves he made dancing, was hilariousObama is making gaffes constantly and it's one thing to make them on the campaign stump and while exhausted, but he's done it in writing too and even that was too much for the liberal Chicago Tribune that found it. All that aside, he's much too inexperienced, too elitist and completely out of touch with the realities of dealing with terrorists. Like it or not, that is still the number one issue. Playing Mr. Nice Guy will make all the other issues evaporate in a trail of mushroom clouds on American soil.

Just my 2 cents.

I'd rather vote someone in office because they made good, sound, and moral decisions, than voting for someone just because they were an eloquent speaker.

Okay, name three of McCain's decisions in office upon which you base your opinion of him?


Okay, name three of McCain's decisions in office upon which you base your opinion of him?

Was that a question for me?
No it was for anyone who wants to answer.  That is the question that is always thrown out there for Obama supporters, and it has been asked and answered here (I believe it was Joie who answered it beautifully).  But I haven't heard it asked and answered for McCain supporters - what are his accomplishments that have brought folks to support him.

The big reason I'm voting for McCain is that he isn't Hillary or Obama.  He isn't for socialization, he has military experience.  Obama can't even decide if he thinks Iran is a threat or not.   But to call myself a McCain supporter, well I'd be using the word loosley.  I really think that none of the three will be good for the country.  But you gotta choose one so I'm choosing the one that won't appoint liberal Supreme Court Justices.

One of our local republicans is being criticized right now because he just happened to say last week that he believes in compromising with the Dems. Now, the far right wants him OUT. There just does not seem to be any room for compromise for some Republicans. xlorster2008-05-29 11:15:13We're all quite different people with different opinions and lifestyles but there is one constant among use - a desire for change.  If you want a change PLEASE VOTE. 
I don't care who you vote for just use your right to vote.  If possible and you have the time work for any of the party affliations to register voters, drive non driving voters to the polls on election day, do what you can to get Americans to vote.
It's a shame when a television show that counts on the American vote for survival gets more votes than the presidential election receives.  Lindy
Lin, I was not encouraging people not to vote. I was making the point not to vote for a one candidate because you hate the other two. [QUOTE=Hillhoney]

Okay, name three of McCain's decisions in office upon which you base your opinion of him?


Do we have any takers on this one?
I'm not a Republican nor a supporter of McCain, but to show I can be fair minded, I'll address this.
I like the fact that McCain has taken a stance against torture, unlike the current Administration; he has been supportive of campaign financing reform; and he is  reasonable in regards to immigration reform.  I'm nervous about his statement that he's weak on economics, about leaving the troops in Iraq for yearsssssss, and relying on the 'free market" for health care reform.
He's a likeable guy, feisty, and you have to be impressed by his years as a POW, but he is not my first choice for President.
Lori, My comment wasn't made in reference to your post.....I just thought it was timely to make a statement about making sure that we vote.  Obama has apologized for his error - his great uncle was part of the 89th Infantry that liberated Buchenwald.[QUOTE=lorster]

After the past 8 years, we need a change. I don't want a leader who plans to continue the war for 100 more years. [/QUOTE]
He never said he would keep the war on for 100 years.  He said the US may have to keep a presence (like we are and have been in Germany and Korea) in Iraq.  He did not mean we would be continuing the war for 100 years. 
Having said that, I haven't yet decided who I will vote for.  I do know, however, that I WILL NOT vote for Hillary, but that seems to be moot point anyway, at least I hope so.
I had a Father in law who was one of the first American soldiers in Germany, and did open the gates in one of the camps there. May have been Auchwitz ( spell). The camp was in germany and all were shocked to find the jews there suffering of starvation.

So, not everything you say about Obama is exact either.  Obama  and McCain get things a bit mixed up because they are speaking every day on the campaign trail. I can imagine how difficult it is to remember where you are. The Democrat gets my vote.
Obama said Auchwitz.......Russians opened the doors.  The Republicans gets my vote 
I was a huge supporter of McCain in 2000 and contributed to his campaign then. It's ashame that the candidates generally have to pander to the radical wings of their parties during the primaries and then have to go back to the center for the general election. This has tarnished McCain's rep in my opinion. The pandering to the Jerry Fallwells' of the world makes my blood boil. Seeing him with GWB is sickening given what occurred during the 2000 primaries in South Carolina. Finally, the position to continue the Iraq war til victory is delusional. I will be voting for the Democratic candidiate.6t5, the Republicans had your vote long before this incident!   We all know that!    And I could understand that, just like I can understand Link's policy positions being the basis of her choice.  That makes sense.
What I don't believe is that you, or anyone here, is superficial enough to make a decision as important as this based upon him saying Auchwitz instead of Buchenwald.  I have too much respect for you for that.  I'm certainly not an expert on Nazi concentration camps, their locations, and which army did what.  Are you?  If you hadn't read about this on a right-wing blog, would you have recognized the error?
We need to make our decisions based upon the basic ideaology of the candidates, and their positions on the issues that are most important to us.
Hessalina, I feel much the same as you about McCain.  I used to be a big supporter of his, and admired his moderate position.  Unfortunately, the fundamentalist right wing side of the Republican party has the money and the power right now, and he can't appear moderate or he won't get elected.  Does anyone remember when McCain was first starting to win primary elections, many Republicans stood up and said they would not support McCain because he was too liberal? 
With everyone complaining about the cost of gas and health insurance, the sub prime mortgage mess, the recession, the state of our economy, I'm surprised that more people are not disturbed by McCain's remarks, " ...the issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should."
His economic advisor is former Texas Sen. Phil Gramm a shill for special interests, whose deregulation policies helped spur the mortgage crisis, among other financial disasters.   In 2002, he wrote the Gramm-Bliley bill, an act broadly deregulating the financial industry -- and now blamed by many economists for the epidemic of speculation and fraud that has shaken the global economy.  And Obama gets heat for mixing up names of concentration camps?  Lets refocus on bigger concerns, the economy and who will best represent citizens interests and not corporate interests.
For some history on Gramm see:
And you think Obama and H Clinton understand economics?  I give the guy credit.  for the remark. That said I hope he surrounds himself with Economic Experts. I would ask was the Gramm/Biley bill voted on and passed ? Yes it was Blame the authors and ALL those that voted yes if you are against what it stands for. BTW we sure got off track on this thread. I pointed out that Obama and his camp haver no idea what memorial Day was about Sad very sadIt is sad, very sad, when some try to make a major issue out of acknowledging vets on Memorial Day when their day is Veterans Day, or whatever Obama is accused of, when there are legitimate, major issues facing our country like the economy, of which McCain has said, "...the issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should."
Joie2008-05-30 13:38:00I'm voting for Hillary or McCain.  NOT Obama.  I lived 5 blocks from where Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman were murdered by O.J. Simpson.  Obama understands why blacks are happy O.,J. got away with murder.  Not someone I want for president.
Jan thank you for posting that.  So many people claim that racism is no longer an issue in America.  Clearly it is.  6t5 - there you have it - something to really be sad about. [QUOTE=Hillhoney] Jan thank you for posting that.  So many people claim that racism is no longer an issue in America.  Clearly it is.  6t5 - there you have it - something to really be sad about.[/QUOTE]

Thank You Hillhoney for bringing this up, it is very sad to read this, in 2008...It makes me ashamed of my race..

Wait, I'm not sure I'm understanding the last two posts.  Are you suggesting that Jan's being offended is fueled by racism?  On HER part?

Jan's interpretation of what Obama said is what I take issue with.  Here is exactly what he said:

"You remember when, during the O.J. trial ... black and white culture just had these completely opposite reactions and nobody understood it. I'm somebody who was pretty clear that O.J. was guilty," Obama told "Nightline's" Terry Moran.

He continued: "And I was ashamed for my own community to respond in that way, but I also understood what was taking place, which was that reaction had more to do with a sense that somehow the criminal justice system historically had been biased so profoundly that a defeat of that justice system was somehow a victory."

The main reason many of you are not voting for him is because of his color. Remember, he is also white. I'll have to say I'm ashamed to be living in 2008 and we have not moved beyond this black/white thing. [QUOTE=lorster]The main reason many of you are not voting for him is because of his color. Remember, he is also white. I'll have to say I'm ashamed to be living in 2008 and we have not moved beyond this black/white thing. [/QUOTE]


I don't care what color he is; he is too liberal for me.  News flash - so is white boy Al Gore.  I wouldn't vote for him either.
It is funny about you conservatives. You want the least government involvement in your lives but.....
You want the government to decide who can marry who
You want the government to decide who can carry out studies on embryonic stem cell research
You want the government to decide what a woman can do with her body

I never did understand how same sex marriage affected any one of you, or if an abortion affected you (although I'm not a supporter of abortion) and I certainly cannot understand how stem cell research would affect you although I'm sure you would be first in line if it produced a cure for your RA.

I say, if you don't want government involvement, then shut up about these three topics and go on with your lives. [QUOTE=lorster]It is funny about you conservatives. You want the least government involvement in your lives but.....
You want the government to decide who can marry who
You want the government to decide who can carry out studies on embryonic stem cell research
You want the government to decide what a woman can do with her body

I never did understand how same sex marriage affected any one of you, or if an abortion affected you (although I'm not a supporter of abortion) and I certainly cannot understand how stem cell research would affect you although I'm sure you would be first in line if it produced a cure for your RA.

I say, if you don't want government involvement, then shut up about these three topics and go on with your lives. [/QUOTE]

Lorster, I don't care who you marry, what you do with your stem cells, or who lives or dies in your uterus, though I do think it's quite sad when a woman chooses to terminate the life of her unborn fetus.

And don't tell me to shut up.
Jasmine. If our government tells us, as women what we can and cannot do with our uterus, we may as well move to Afghanistan. It is no better.

I am repulsed by this act. There are other options. But I cannot vote to make it illegal. I'm not going to tell another woman what she can and cannot do with her body. This is a free country. [QUOTE=lorster]Jasmine. If our government tells us, as women what we can and cannot do with our uterus, we may as well move to Afghanistan. It is no better.

I am repulsed by this act. There are other options. But I cannot vote to make it illegal. I'm not going to tell another woman what she can and cannot do with her body. This is a free country. [/QUOTE]

Last time I checked, the government swiped 30% of my check before I even get my hands on it.  Doesn't sound so free to me.
That is about what they get of mine too. My husband brings home 60 percent of his pay. But look what we have. We walk our streets without fear. We take vacations, get our children educated, visit government funded parks and attractions, drive on good highways, enjoy some of the best telecommunications in the world.... the list goes on. We still live in a great country. [QUOTE=lorster]That is about what they get of mine too. My husband brings home 60 percent of his pay. But look what we have. We walk our streets without fear. We take vacations, get our children educated, visit government funded parks and attractions, drive on good highways, enjoy some of the best telecommunications in the world.... the list goes on. We still live in a great country. [/QUOTE]

Yes, it is a great country.  But our freedoms are not absolute.
Yes, and we seem to have lost some of the most important ones during the Bush administration.I'm no fan of W.

Obama is the racist. He sees only injustices to blacks. Just as there are injustices to blacks there are injustices to whites and hippies and poor and lots and lots of etcs. Obama wants to tighten civil rights laws which is fine with me but when obama says he wants better civil rights law, he means for minorities and I say for ALL, even white people.

Lorster, I think you still have some stupid guilt about slavery. You know the slavery that 3% of americans owned slaves and 24% of free blacks owned slaves. Don't be so ignorantly dramatic, embarrassed to be alive in 2008. I will vigorously work on my time machine and gladly send you to anywhere you want when it's completed, that's the least I can do for 2008 and the good of the world. And oh yeah, why are you bitching about the rising cost of fuel? I thought that you would be happy. Maybe if we can get the price up to 10 -15 dollars a gallon people will quit driving and help to save the earth from the green house gasses. As for me, I will keep on filling up my gas guzzler spewing green house gasses in hopes that in a few years I will have palm trees and oranges tree and grapefruit trees and lime trees growing in my Michigan back yard. Obama is a racist, an eloquint racist, I'm around them all the time, people with feel good words and nothing to back up the words. Ego is not muscle.
Hey, why is it that so many people think that it is the gwb admin responsible for the economy, rising fuel costs, falling housing markets and etcs. It's amazing how many ignorant people there are. If the Michigan union workers were making an hour how can Michigan compete in a global market or compete with Selma Alabama. If the cost of housng rises 100% in 6-8 years what do you think will happen? If stupid greedy people invest in nothing dot coms whose fault is it when they lose everything? When people mortgage themserlves up to their overtime, whose fault is it? When the Saudis say "Hey, blank you! Did you hear what Hillary, Obama and the rest of the democrats said about us?" Blank them and blank you." Hasn't gwb been trying to claim our own oil here in the USA for the last 7 years? Who has been stopping him? But oh yeah, it's his fault. Everytime he tries to do something good he is stopped just to keep him from looking good. Like GWB says, "I'll let history say what type president I am, not CNN.
Okay this is it - if LL sees it this way and feels this way about things - it's a definite I am voting Omabama all the way!!!!!!!  Hugs and good vibes.Lev, I'm not responsible...at all for slavery, neither is my family. I saw a black person for the first time when I was 12. I am proud to say that I didn't get in on that. My family immigrated here from the scandinavian countries. No slavery in this family.

Oh and Lev, where the hell have you been? I have missed you.
Senior Member
Okay this is it - if LL sees it this way and feels this way about things - it's a definite I am voting Omabama all the way!!!!!!!  Hugs and good vibes.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
Omabama, ya gotta love it. Crown Royal or Canadien Mist? Wasn't that Osama Obama, I mean Osama Bama, I mean where is yo mama? I mean..............................................LEV
Lev, you have such a good influence on people, way to go!!Regarding slavery, there are some in the UN who want reparations en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reparations_for_slavery   if interested.
[QUOTE=lorster]The main reason many of you are not voting for him is because of his color. Remember, he is also white. I'll have to say I'm ashamed to be living in 2008 and we have not moved beyond this black/white thing. [/QUOTE]
I would say the Main reason where Obama is , is due to the White voters support. What really is scary is that Black America is voting for Obama around 85 to 90%. Mostly due to his being black. Now thats racist and yes it's 2008.
[QUOTE=Hillhoney]Obama has apologized for his error - his great uncle was part of the 89th Infantry that liberated Buchenwald.[/QUOTE]
Well heres a news flash. I guess Obama wanted to re- wrire history probably thinking that nobody would ck. The 761 Tank Battalion ( Black ) never was at Buchenwald. That is the unit his supposed Uncle was in. Sure looks like Barrack may have been pandering a bit for the Jewish vote and screwed up. Back in the early 90's they even made a movie I beleive it was called " Liberators ". They actuall bought some of the men in the 761 st to meet some former Jewish prisoners ( around 1991 ) . Well looks like two of the gents spoke up saying the only time we were ever at Buchenwald was for the staged reunion.  Mistakes of the tonque happen, but this looks to be One Big Fat Lie.

ABC News

Senior National Correspondent Jake Tapper

WWII Vet Fires at Conservative Bloggers Re: Obama's Great Uncle Charlie

May 29, 2008 10:04 PM

His name, according to the Obama campaign, was Charles T. Payne.

He was born in February 1925, and he served in the 89th Infantry Division of the Army during World War II.

Checking out Obama's story -- you may recall that on Memorial Day, Obama mistakenly said his great uncle was one of the soldiers who helped liberate the concentration camp Auschwitz, when in fact the 89th helped liberate Buchenwald -- our friends at Politifact looked into the matter.

"Although we were not able to reach Payne directly, Payne's son, Richard Payne, said his father 'definitely served in the 89th Infantry Division' and confirmed that Obama's account was substantially accurate, except for identifying the wrong concentration camp. Richard Payne declined to say anything further."

Politifact spoke with researchers at the National Personnel Records Center, who reported that "Army personnel records for Payne would have been destroyed in a 1973 fire that consumed many such archives, but they dug up a 'Morning Report' dated April 11, 1945, showing Pfc. Charles T. Payne was assigned to the 355th Regiment Infantry, Company K. The Records Center provided a copy of the report."

Then there's the unofficial website dedicated to the 89th Infantry Division. Politifact spoke with Mark Kitchell, son of 89th veteran Raymond E. Kitchell, who has a list of servicemen -- a list that includes Pfc. C.T. Payne, K Company, 355th Infantry Regiment, 89th Infantry Division -- from the official Division History book.

Politifact concluded that while Obama erred in the name of the concentration camp, the story otherwise checked out.


An interesting side story here -- the Kitchells are not particularly happy with the conservative bloggers who have set out to prove Obama was "lying" about his great uncle.

On their website, the Kitchells have written:

"Concerning the service of Mr. Charles Payne: C.T. Payne was a soldier in the 89th Infantry Division. He served in the 355th Infantry Regiment, Company K. The 355th Infantry Regiment was the unit to liberate Ohrdruf. Mr. Payne was there.

"For those who seek to minimize the horrors of Ohrdruf since it was a 'work' camp and not a 'death' camp, we have but one word: shame. Ironically, this argument has been made to us time and time again by various Holocaust-deniers and other pro-Nazi groups. We will let the testimony of survivors and veterans speak for themselves.

"'It has been recorded that in Ordruf itself the last days were a slaughterhouse. We were shot at, beaten and molested. At every turn went on the destruction of the remaining inmates. Indiscriminant criminal behavior (like the murderers of Oklahoma City some days ago). Some days before the first Americans appeared at the gates of Ordruf, the last retreating Nazi guards managed to execute with hand pistols, literally emptying their last bullets on whomever they encountered leaving them bleeding to death as testified by an American of the 37th Tank Battalion Medical section, 10 a.m. April 4, 1945. "

"'Rabbi Murray Kohn'

For rest of article see:
So now his uncle is liberating Ohrduf?  For those keeping a scorecard. His Uncle liberated Aushwitz, then Buchenwald and now Ohrduf and he changed units to do so?? Splain LucyOhrduf was a sub-camp of Buchenwald -- both Nazi concentration camps.

family stories often lose some details and gain others as they pass through generations  Most people don't check the details unless they are doing genealogy.  And unless you are a student of WWII even the most educated may not know which concentration camp was liberated by each Army

xlorster2008-06-02 22:05:47And Joie, thank you for looking up the truth about Obamas uncle. I for one appreciate your information. [QUOTE=buckeye]

family stories often lose some details and gain others as they pass through generations  Most people don't check the details unless they are doing genealogy.  And unless you are a student of WWII even the most educated may not know which concentration camp was liberated by each Army

OK I guess I'm OK with that but the point is/was that he just bought this up on Memorial day ( or Veterans day in his mind ) for a veiled attempt to get Jewish votes.   He had no idea what he was saying and kept changing it. He's preet good at changing, just look how many stories we have heard from him about his pastor.
He's pretty good at changing. . .
Thanks Hill. The man stands for a lot of good things. BTW using snipits from lefty blogs is questionable sometimes. Actually I found those on my own - I don't read blogs.
I posted those just to show that politics and campaign trails being what they are today, and with the ability to go back and see what folks have previously said, you see that there are discrepancies and changing positions for ALL candidates. 

Hill, See how easy it is to use You Tube..

I couldn't get your link to work.  Tell me what to search on, so I can see the video you want me to see.
But that's just my point - exactly.  And that's what I tried to say pages back - educate yourself on the issues, and make up your mind accordingly.  I want to know what a candidate's position is on the issues that impact my life.  I resent the fact that in today's world we no longer can debate issues - campaign's are run by attacking the other guy.
[QUOTE=Hillhoney]I couldn't get your link to work.  Tell me what to search on, so I can see the video you want me to see.
But that's just my point - exactly.  And that's what I tried to say pages back - educate yourself on the issues, and make up your mind accordingly.  I want to know what a candidate's position is on the issues that impact my life.  I resent the fact that in today's world we no longer can debate issues - campaign's are run by attacking the other guy.
Then why are you showing edited You Tube snipets from a left wing blog ? 
I don't read blogs, use UTube except for entertainment and don't care what the opinions are on an RA forum. 
I weigh all the issues before me, look at how the Senator's have voted.   Review their past records and history.  I make up my mind on who to vote for by looking at facts and I how I personally feel about the candidate of choice. 
I've met and asked questions of both Clinton and Obama at town meetings and at a speech in Oregon.  I'd like to meet McCain.  I've looked two of the candidates in the eye and watched their body language.  All of this is so much more important than spending time reading blogs, looking at UTube, reading and listening to innuendo and antagonizing one another on a forum. 
My 2 closest friends live 3,000 miles apart and we decided that we should meet for a week in Oregon and discuss politics and do research.  We're all 3 political animals and it was a stimulating and fun week.  It was like old times but it was also a very serious time. We spent money, time, effort to meet and reach some decisions because all 3 of us were convinced that our candidate was the best.  We didn't  change one another's minds at the end of the week but we sure were a lot smarter about our choices and issues.  I don't limit myself; I read and listen to the liberal, conservative, and ultra liberal press.  I read and listen to the foreign news with an open mind.  Don't surround yourself with just stories and blogs.  Dig deep, research, and then make a decision and VOTE.  
Hillhoney, I knew that you've made your decisions much like I've made mine. 

6t5, I just went to youtube and did a search on John McCain - simple as that.  I don't read blogs, as I said before.  I have gone to each of the candidates web pages and read their positions on the issues - have you tried that? 

Lindy, that sounds like a wonderful week - I would enjoy that very much.  Especially when you are there with friends who care about each other, who won't resort to sarcasm or nastiness.  We have similar discussions at holidays with my husbands family.  One wonderful thing that comes from that is that our children grow up interested in their world around them, and forming their own opinions about things.  I am always so saddened by folks who say they don't care about politics, or refuse to vote.   My 18 year old son registered to vote immediately, and has a wonderful ability to discuss the news and issues in the world.  He and I don't agree on everything, but we definitely learn by talking to each other and exploring things together.


You used you tube but the video was from a left blog/web site. Why did you stop at McCain? Perhaps to make it one sided. You brag about researching all the canidates but only wish to smear one. Your full of it. I'm sure there tons on OBama and Clinton I'm sure there are tons on Obama and Clinton as well.  I posted them not to smear John McCain, but in response to your remark that Obama was always changing.  And I had no wish to smear McCain.  If you reread some of my earlier posts on this thread, I actually defended McCain and his position changing, stating that he had to do it, because the far right of his party has the power and money.  I have no desire to "smear" anyone, including you. 
I take all the slam commercials with a grain of salt.  They remind me of when my kids were little trying to tattle.  You only get one side of the story, and it's always the side that makes the other guy look bad.  When I see them, I always just wait to find out what's been left out, ya know? It really is a shame they can't all just tell why they're better, instead of why the opponent is so bad.[QUOTE=Hillhoney]I'm sure there are tons on Obama and Clinton as well.  I posted them not to smear John McCain, but in response to your remark that Obama was always changing.  And I had no wish to smear McCain.  If you reread some of my earlier posts on this thread, I actually defended McCain and his position changing, stating that he had to do it, because the far right of his party has the power and money.  I have no desire to "smear" anyone, including you. 
OK Hill, It just seemed like you were " slanting " things.

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