metalic taste.. | Arthritis Information


hi all i just wonderd if any one else gets metalic feeling on
tongue and teeth sort of like you ate a battery and tingly.. That's a symptom of something, but I can't remember what.  Also, people taste metal when they are scared.  Did you just watch a scary movie?  Nope, never had that, Boney Jones!

Your new name is Boney Jones Here you go: 
Boney Jones.... looks like we got a double whammy there!
"as well as drugs used to treat high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis and kidney stones"
I had that taste when I was taking LunestaI had that AWFUL taste when I was first diagnosed.  It was horrible.  It went away on 1) antibiotics or 2) after the antiobiotics fixed my periodontal disease which is what caused this whole mess for me in the first place.
Hey Boney, I use to get that taste all the time .  When I would get shots of Novocaine and cortisone.  Nasty, Nasty........Biaxin and Lunesta are famous for that awful taste.hi all katie thanks for the link maybe ramipril bp meds or i just started
penecilian  I had severe metal taste when taking MTX for quite some time, to the point I was taken off of was terrible and I lost a lot of weight.
Friend of mine is a dr. I had that problem and he told me that can be a side effect with a number of medications. For me, it was plaquenil causing it. He said to drink regular Coke. I am a Pepsi fan so I was a bit skeptical, but it worked. [QUOTE=rocckyd]Friend of mine is a dr. I had that problem and he told me that can be a side effect with a number of medications. For me, it was plaquenil causing it. He said to drink regular Coke. I am a Pepsi fan so I was a bit skeptical, but it worked.[/QUOTE]

Proof once again that Coca-Cola is truly nectar of the gods.Had that metallic taste when I first started taking Methotrexate.  It occurred in the middle of the night -- would get  up and eat  a  couple  of crackers to take the taste away.  Haven't been bothered lately, but have also cut Mtx dosage in half.  Can't wait to stop it (if I ever can)'s one med that I just don't like!
