severe bone pain after reclast | Arthritis Information


You need a second opinion re: Reclast.  I've not taken it but I do know if you're having multiple health issues after infusion and you're not satisfied with your doctor's answers then it's time for a second opinion.  Come right out and ask him if it's due to the Reclast, ask what he means about diffusement, don't leave his office until you have answers that satisfy you.  Remember your doctor works for you and you have a right to be satisfied.  If it were me, I'd be looking for some clear cut answers.  Also, ask for a copy of your medical records from that particular doctor.  Get them even if you have to pay the copying fee.  Take them with you when you see the second opinion doctor. Keep us posted on how you're doing.  LindyHi  Mary, I had my 1st dose Zometa in Dec 08 and also had bone pain for about a week then approx 6 weeks after. This lasted on and off only a few weeks at a time.

 The pain down the front of my shins especially, has come back in the last 2 weeks and wakes me at night.  My Dr gave me Valium to take when necessary and this helped a lot. I would only take about 5 or 6 tablets then stop until the next time.  I am already on Prednisole  & Plaquenil for PMR and Tramadol ( pain med) for painful osteo fracture. I was told Zometa & Reclast & Alcasta are all the same drug?
Your chest flutter really interests me.  I also have started to have these. I have not told my Dr.  
PLEASE keep on posting as there are not too many of us on this treatment and I would like to know how you go with the monitor.. Hope you are having a beter week,  Lyn
i need more information on thisI have had my 2nd Alcasta ( Zometa... Reclast )  infusion this week with very minimal side effects. Only slight nausea and mild flu like symptoms.
I have not had any more fractures this year  so hopefully this is working for me!!
Regarding the different names: They are all the same,   Zolendronic Acid...
Gentle  hugs,
I would stay away from the yearly infusions. The sideeffect will last for a year!
If you absolutely have to take these bisphosphonates there are 3 monthly rather than yearly ones available. (like boniva).
