Funny RA shirts | Arthritis Information


Was checking out Cafe Press last night and found some good ones:

I used to be nice to look at, but now I'm just fun to watch.
Rheumatoid Arthritis: been there, done that, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
I'm not lazy, I'm flaring.
Warning: I'm a pain when I'm in pain.
RA picked the wrong DIVA.
Remission: Accomplished.
Sjogrens Syndrome left me with a dry sense of humor.
Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is a cure.
Sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I may not look sick, but you don't look dumb.
I live my life one bad flare day at a time.
The pain reminds me I'm still alive.
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Your understanding is appreciated.  Your medical advice is not.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is the war we need to be fighting.
Professional Pin Cushion.  And you think your job sucks?
Is it time for your medication or mine?
Proud member of the Gimp Club
Ok, I've got mine!
RA picked the wrong DIVA!
Pinny - I see they have yours!
hehehe  .. mine is        I Have  RA Damage
                              What the F xxx happend to you
                                                I love"I may not look sick,but you don't look dumb"
                                          Oh here's another one that I saw somewhere else awhile back:
My disabling chronic illness is more real than your imaginary medical expertise.
I would like to wear
Remission : Accomplished
hey wannabe .. your  name would be good on a shirt and if you
add Boney on it its a Best Seller... Everbody wants to be Boney!   How about:
"This Joint's A-Poppin' "
[QUOTE=Hillhoney]How about:   OK I bite.... How is this...........Nut---in is better than Remission..............BOOYAAAA      
Ok.OK... I have another is worse then RA......
           I am on a roll----------------------------------------------------------------
AWE Jasimine ....cant I sell you nut one hmmmmmmmmmmm,,,,,,......./////I love the "I used to be nice to look at but now im fun to watch" Reminded me of last week and getting tangled up in the lawnmower electric cord.....................i could see my self in the window, it was hysterical.....