Weight and Joint Pain | Arthritis Information


Ok so I saw a Rheumy/Internal Med doc at the start of May for severe joint pain lasting since December 07.  He saw my blood work was negative but said I could be in the early stages of RA and said based on symptoms I'd be the poster child for RA.  I had 7 vials of blood drawn then and I returned for my follow up today.  Blood work was still negative/sed rate normal.  So this time he basically said because I'm 50 pounds overweight that if I just lost that then everything would be better.  Well what does weight gain have to do w/ wrist pain, finger pain, jaw pain, shoulder pain, ect?  I left in tears.  I had a baby eight months ago and have not lost my pregnancy weight.  I've never weighed this much in my entire life.  Has anyone else had an experience where the doctor just put the whole issue of weight on the table like it's the only reason for joint pain?  The first visit I asked if he felt the weight was the cause of the joint pain and he said no but that it doesn't help it any.  This time it was like since my blood work was normal again then "oh it must be because you're fat."  :(  It's like if they can't name the problem then they just find fault w/ something on you.  I'm so discouraged and the only thing left I know of is to see a pain specialist.   Oh I do want to mention that I just recently joined Weight Watchers and that my blood work did reveal that I'm very low in Vitamin D.  So I'll be supplementing that. Monet, that is so typical.  You should talk to micheleb about what a doctor like that did to her...it was criminal.  Can you try another RD?  Did they do a clinical exam?  Did the doc notice swelling or stiffness or anything?  On the bloodwork, how was your CRP?  At least you found out about the Vit D...that could really help.

I'm so sorry this has happened, but don't let it get you down.  You are right...when they can't figure it out, they blame weight, or depression.
I am negative on blood work except ANA (that's not always taken into consideration) but I have RA.. I've had it at differing levels all my life since DX at age 10.
find a new RD... he's a fool..
I am sorry he put that on you like that.  Obviously.. he doesn't "practice" well 
I'm pretty confident that your weight has nothing to do with pain in your non-weight bearing joints.  I'd seek a second opinion.  Honestly.  You can have RA without having positive test results.  I've even had horrible flares with normal Sed Rate and CRP.Another doctor who flunked "bedside manner."  Of course weighing less would help with your weight-bearing joints.....you knew that.....but to suggest that it's the sole reason for your pain, including the joints that have nothing to do with weight, is just taking the easy way out.  Shame on him.  There's a saying "Chew the chicken, spit out the bones." In this case, do the best you can in trying to lose weight and ignore anything else. He's not the only doctor in town and if he isn't treating you properly look elsewhere.

Weight is an important issue for health reasons in general and more so if you are developing RA or OA. But it's not the reason you are experiencing joint pain in non-weight bearing joints. My doctor reminded me to exercise for my FM. I can't argue with that, but it's difficult to do if you hurt. I try to do something each day.

One day at a time.

Monet,  Sorry to hear you were treated that way.  Knee and ankle joint pain could be a partial blame for weight issues, but hands and wrists????  I am pretty sure you haven't been walking around in a handstand.
You did say that your vit. d was low.  Did the rheumy test that?  Joint pain is a symptom for low vit d levels.  If the rheumy tested you, he should have given you a script for vit. d supplements as I am sure they would be better than the OTC stuff!
Keep us posted!  And, WELCOME!
Obesity increases inflammation which can be in every cell in your body. I lost thirty five pounds last year and I saw a huge reduction in my pain and my RF went from positive to negative. I have gained 10 lbs back since November and my RF is now positive again.   Having RA can increase your risk of other problems in the heart, lungs and eyes so losing the weight is a good thing to do with this disease. I'm hoping my weight will be easier to manage when my D is back to normal. Good luck with WW, it is a great program. LoriHI Monet, this Dr should surely know that it is a fact that women very often develop RA after having a baby, I researched it as that is what happened to me and it was so common, sero-negative RA is definitely a possibility, he has his head in the sand.  I am sure weight loss will help with back pain, leg pain etc but it is not the reason for your pain, find another rheumy.  Best of luck, Janie. Please don't stay with a doctor that you don't feel confident in.  Also - good luck with your WW plan! It is hard to lose weight after having a baby, they keep you so busy that it's easy to grab something fast & fattening to eat. You are so tired it's hard to get motivated to exercise. Now you have RA on top of that....
Weight is definately an issue.
I am overweight and have literally bounced within 45lbs worth of RA up and down and the more i weigh, the more horrible the pain.
My amount of inflammation and sed rate have always been about the same no matter the weight, but i can tell you that being heavy puts too much pressure on knees, ankles etc. any portion with RA.  Not only do they work harder to lift heavier areas, but the weight smashes down on knees and ankles.
Thanks everyone-

Yeah I agree weight doesn't help any and that losing will help REDUCE the pain I just get so tired of hearing that weight gain is the ONLY reason for pain.  The majority of my pain is in my wrists, fingers and shoulders.  None of those are fatty. LOL.  And the other thing that irked me was just that I said I'd joined WW online and am doing that and instead of saying "way to go!  Keep up the good work"  I get a "well that's nice but you need to lose weight."  Um...hello?  I am working on it!
I just started 3 weeks ago! 

The first visit he said the following:  " you're femaie, you just had a baby-you just turned 30-w/ all your symptoms and such if there was a poster child for RA you'd be it"  "I am not 'thinking' your blood work will turn up w/ something, I'm expecting it to eventually show us something but it could take awhile."  - Now today it's like "well you're blood work was normal so.....lose weight."  It's like the other things he said before - he just totally switched gears on me. 

Oh about the Vitamin D- he didn't give me an rx for them- he told me which store to get them from and the amount he wants me taking.  And yeah he did do a blood test for it and it showed I was very low in Vitamin D.  I don't think anyone has ever tested me for that before so that was a new one to me. 

I guess I just feel like I got dismissed because I'm overweight at the moment and it makes you feel like all that you're going through means nothing.  It's like no one can see past the weight.  I am working very hard now to get it off.  My daughter has had some health issues that have taken up most all of my time and now we're even facing a possible shunt surgery in July as she has pressure on her brain.  It's been the hardest 8 months of my life and I kinda let myself go and focused soley on her.  I've got to try and figure out how to balance my time.  ;)  Thanks for all your support and I'm sorry to hog the board when I don't even know if I have RA or not.  You all are wonderful to me! :)
how is your thyroid.  early RA symptoms can very often mimic those of hypothyroidism and going hypo is common post pregnancy.  A complete thyroid panel should include the TSH, the free T3  and free T4 as well as an anti body test.  For most people the TSH should be on the low side of normalThey did check thyroid- the full spectrum of the thyroid panels and they were normal.  Now I will say that months before it was considered "borderline hypo" but they say that it's now normal.  I guess after pregnancy sometimes your thyroid can act up and that it can cause joint pain.  I was hoping it was just that as some Synthroid or Levoxyl could help that but nope.... 
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