Probiotics and C Diff | Arthritis Information


I just found it fascinating that they treat C diff with ANTIBIOTIC'S.  My 14 year old neice who was on immunesuppressants came down with c diff a month or two ago.  You might remember my frantic post looking for info. 
My neice and my SIL are convinced her c diff came from the increase in her Alocor (spelling); an immune suppresser.  She was on a 'baby dose' and they trippled it to an adult dose and she became sick within a month.  She was not on antibiotics and not exposed to any hospital setting. 
Anyway, they treat with flagyl or an even later stage TETRACYCLINE - Vancomycin.  Plus the American College of Gastroenterologists (spelling) recommend probiotics. 
Here's a study -
Maybe this is why APer's don't worry about C Diff?
As for my neice, she will be an APer this summer.  I'll keep you posted.
My husband had C-diff. I'm going to go back and see if he was on antibiotics before he got sick. This could be both interesting and informative....Lynn492008-05-30 10:32:32About 6 months before my father passed away, he was hospitalized for C-Diff.  They gave him IV antibiotics.If I remember correctly, he had a bad time of it and I'm glad he's healed.
My question, was he on immunosuppressants?
No...he is a very healthy person. It annoys the heck out of me..LOLDid you ask him what happened just before?  I am worried about my neice and it's going to be a tough road she's starting.  But this last attack was bad and they were saying she might now be Crohn's instead of UC.  They were talking about surgically removing stuff. 
what is c diff  