Humira | Arthritis Information


Anyone taking this? How do you feel about it?  Are there many side affects?  Is it helping with pain? Thanks.

Marcy, I started Humira with MXT for RA.  I achieved RA remission but Humira made my PsA worse!  I'm one of the few that this happens to.  I've since upped my MXT and I'm doing better.  All you can do is try it and see how you do.  Believe me it's worth trying.  LindyHumira worked wonders for me!!  I could keep up with work, teenagers sporting events and household stuff that I could not do before.  My pain level was better and energy was fantastic.  I have been on it for about two years now.  May be working less for me at present but I can say that it made a big difference for me.  I researched the side effects and weighted the pros and cons.  I have a big family history of cancer but decided to go ahead and take the risk vs. living in pain and with limited mobility.  Been in an out of remission a few times but overall the Humira is helping.  Hopefully it will help your husband too.  Did the nurse go over best time to take injections and tips for injecting?  Is he taking the pen or needle?  I have done both and the pen is much easier and faster.  [QUOTE=windyone]Humira worked wonders for me!!  I could keep up with work, teenagers sporting events and household stuff that I could not do before.  My pain level was better and energy was fantastic.  I have been on it for about two years now.  May be working less for me at present but I can say that it made a big difference for me.  I researched the side effects and weighted the pros and cons.  I have a big family history of cancer but decided to go ahead and take the risk vs. living in pain and with limited mobility.  Been in an out of remission a few times but overall the Humira is helping.  Hopefully it will help your husband too.  Did the nurse go over best time to take injections and tips for injecting?  Is he taking the pen or needle?  I have done both and the pen is much easier and faster.  [/QUOTE]
Thanks for the replies. 
My husband has not started yet..but will next week.  I don't know when the best time to take this.  The Rheumy has not told us that.
He will be using the pen. 
I am just so confused about this whole thing.  He has pain in his hips and should joints.  No where else. 
I've looked on the PsA sight and nothing is even mentioned about the hips.  It seems most people have pain in fingers with swelling, feet, knees etc.
He has no swelling at all.  His hands, fingers and everywhere is is fine.  It's just his hips and shoulders.
I am so afraid of the Humira or any other treatment.  What if things get worse?  What if it's not PsA? 
There's cancer in his family too. His dad just died in December with lung cancer.  His brother at age 36 died of  Mesothelioma (lung cancer)  His mom is dealing with ovarian cancer! 
What do we do?  I'm so confused. 
There's no damage in his joints yet. (according to the x-ray)  The PsA only started a few months ago.  He's been dealing with Psoriasis (skin) for several years.  But not real bad until January.  (one bad patch on lower back and buttocks.)
Marcy, no one here can tell you what to do.  You both seem to be questioning the diagnosis.  If you have questions about the diagnosis then your husband should seek a second opinion.  Also, talk to your RD about starting MXT, take it for 6 months and see how he does, if still has symptoms then add Humira or Plaq., or all 3.  Lindy