Natural Suppliments - Fibro | Arthritis Information


Okay, so I've been having the *same* symptom non stop for about 3 or 4 days now. My calves are KILLING me. I did some poking around and found it's probably one of two things - Fibro (gee, that's a shock....) or Vit D issues. Hmmm okay...

That made me read a little further, into the Vit D/Calcium issues LINKED to Fibro....

So now I'm really thinking. Okay, I *know* my body. It likes to fall "out of sync" as I call it. Take my allergies for example - they ran rampant, and so bad that I was getting sinus infections back to back and bleeds even. Took some massive amounts of allergy pills, and I now have it back in balance, and under control.

Thinking what I'm thinking? What if my vitamins and minerals are simply out of balance? I had to do the dairy free thing because of lactose issues. Prior to that, I was a HUGE dairy person. Maybe my body got used to having *so* much, and now that I have almost none.......well...............

You follow?

So here's the question - Does anyone know a good place to find what vitamins and minerals they've "linked" to Fibro so far, or what supplements I could start with? I'm really interested in this so I'd appreciate any and all input. :)


On a side note, I started that Noratryptaline stuff...........omfg. Hell to the no. It was like being on SPEED. So much for knocking me out! I just layed in bed and sweated my ass off, and tried to stop my brain from running so hard it popped out of my ears. >.<
I've always heard that Sam Adams, chocolate and Coca-cola (NOT all together!) could help with most aches and pains... of course that could just have been my stomach talking Arri, You know I didn't start having trouble with my calves until th RA started flaring.  A friend of mine has FM and she swears about this one diet.  I will have to look for it. It  talks about the good bacteria in your stomach and getting rid of the bad. And not eat glutton.  it's very strict at first I will try and fin it .....nutI'm inclined to think that other than something you might be allergic to, a good basic low-fat diet should be just fine. Add some basic vitamins and don't sweat it.

Nortryptaline might be interacting with something else. Might want to ask your doctor.
Hmmmm calve issues. Low potassium? Blood clots? fibro? Nothing is ever easy to figure out. I wish it was. RA?