How to recover from Dactylitis? | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone!!

I have had dactylitis in one of my toes for six months.  Had an infection in same toe and was on home IV therapy (Picc line).  How long does it take for dactylitis to get better?  My rheumy keeps telling me that it will get better but it has not resolved even with all the meds.  On humira, mtx done pred dose packs etc and can't get rid of it.  Is it here to stay?!!  Anyone have any suggestions? 
It comes and goes for me, with or without meds.  You didn't mention an NSAID.  If you're not on one, it might help.  I know that my dactylitis is worse now that I'm not on an NSAID (had a bleeding ulcer last month, so no NSAIDs until a follow-up endoscopy for me).

If it's really bothering you, maybe you can get a steroid shot into the tendon sheath?  Inflammation around those tendons causes the dactylitis, if I recall correctly.   Mine gets better and worse, but hasn't fully recovered.  The digits that are affected seem different from then on in my experience. Thank you for your replies!  My left index finger is really dactylified, if that is a word, right now.

Can anyone offer advice or share experience with treating and preventing this?

I have found that bandaging the swollen area fairly tightly after rubbing it with anti-inflammatory gels help. (just don't wrap too tightly that it cuts off the circulation - did that once and yelped when i finally saw my fingers had turned a purple-black). Also hot showers in the morning help to get rid of stiffness.

Thanks for the reply.  Still trying to get rid of it.   Done the warm baths and anti inflammatories but not the wrap.  I walked on the beach the other night and now it is more red and swollen than before.  I always prop the foot up but nothing seems to be getting rid of the dactylitis.  A bit frustrating.

Just noticed that you asked if I was taking nsad- can't take them.  Took limbrel for a little while and didn't see any difference plus the cost is not covered by my insurance. 