Help, Hair Falling Out = Arava | Arthritis Information


My hair is starting to come out now, and it isn't a good thing.

I never look at my head because i have bangs and always pull it down, i went to the hair dresser and she started telling me how to cover the bald spots!
the sides where my bangs are on left and right are NAKED!!!!  I always cover it with bangs, and didn't know that it went POOF!
Is there anything i can do for the hairloss with arava?
I am also getting thinning hair where i run fingers through it and take out about 10 or so strands each time.
biotin? not sure if that is spelled right. or folic acid? or maybe both?
I HATED Arava! It made my hair fall out by the handfuls. I mean so much hair was falling out while washing my hair, that I filled up at 20oz dixie cup every week. I actually took my hair to my then RD and showed it to her. She just put me on folic acid and had nothing to really say. Soon after that I stopped going to her, and quit Arava. My hair grew back with in a couple of months.
I hope you get something to help with the hair loss.
hi bubbagump  sorry to see your losing your hair  How long have you been on the Arava? I have been on for about 1 1/2 years. At first my hair fell out, I swear I could feel it falling out! I could feel like a "pop" and I'd run my fingers through my hair and get a handful. Fear not! My dr. told me that it's almost as if the Arava makes the hair follicles "fall asleep". He said give it time and it will stop falling out and it definitely has grown back. If I remember correctly, this took about 6-8 months though. Good luck.It's a blessing in disguise: when I was on chemo practically all of it fell out everywhere. It grew back in better than before. In the meantime, just tell anyone who is bugging you not to do it because you are having a no-hair day! lol
I have been on arava about 9 months now and it is falling out this past month.
hi bubbagump i dont know how much pred you are on but i think

this has baldy effect on some people.. Maybe you should try Nioxin.  There are several different products that help with this.  Check with your hair dresser or visit a beauty supply store.  I personally haven't tried the products but have heard many people have had good luck with them.  My hair is this and fine, but it hasn't fallen out too much so I haven't felt compelled to do anything for it.  If I recall, the products are not too expensive (around ish) and they are supposed to work.  Maybe this could help you.    I personally haven't tried the products    quoty gracie mum

this means 1 of 2 things

1 you have not lost any Hair    If you must was recommended to me by a hair dude at a salon I went to a couple years back.  I was lamenting the fact that my hair didn't seem to grow and he said Nioxin would help.  Then, a few months ago I was visiting with a friend who's husband works for TIGI and I was complaining that my hair was falling out a bit (I had just upped my MTX).  She strongly recommended Nioxin and spoke of a few people she knew who had benefited from it, one who was recovering from cancer.  So, no, I haven't tried it yet, but yes, it has positive recs from a couple of people I would consider trustworthy.  How's that? 