kind of disappointing | Arthritis Information


I have been doing pretty good, compared to what I am normally like, this whole week and then some. I mean no problems from my right leg/hip, not much problems outta my neck/upper back/shoulders area, not much problems with my back... well you get the picture.

Then today... we left the house around 3:30pm and did errands and then went to another city to look for something I could not find in every store around us, pack of tissue paper for my crafting and just to get out. Well... about 20 mins into walking around, my left ankle started hurting and swelled and made it very difficult for me to walk, because of the pain.
I made it thru 3 more stores, but was in sheer pain. I went and sat down on the bench to rest my ankle and wait on hubby to check out. And when I sat down... I guess your ankle goes in a different position then when you are standing... and it was shoot up to your head pain and my face got hot and I yelped. It hurt.... hurt.... hurt....
Now, as I sit here and type this my ankle is still hurting and still swelled, and it hurts to walk on it. It feels like it is broke. I cannot put pressure on it... it feels like if I do, it will snap from my weight being on it. I cannot even flex it to work out what ever is bothering it. It hurts and I have not been on it in over an hour. But still feels like it did over 9 hours ago.
I am fixing to go take an Ultracet and robaxin and go to sleep. Well... hope I go to sleep.
It is disappointing, but I knew I was not completely better... hence my very little swelled knees Hey Joonie i thought i gave you a good bonking for not taking it easy.. Hope it's a short lived problem! Good Luck!Hey Joonie...glad to hear you've been doing so well, hope that ankle gets back to normal before long.Joonie
Kind of sounds like you were doing too much and your ankle said no. Hope you feel better soon.
Sorry for the dissapiontment. We get so excited when we feel well. Then we come crashing down with disapiontment. Just plan stinks. Well I still charish the good days. Just wish we had more of them.That's just terrible! I'm so sorry Bonking Boney... LMAO!!! Ok, need to get mind outta the gutter now. heheheee!!
Thanks everyone... It was much better today, heck after I took Ultracets the pain subsided enough so I could go to sleep. I was just a little disappointed, nothing major... just figured I should not have had a problem with pain so fast. You know... fear of the dreaded flare it is always looming some where.
I done ok today. I did not do much of anything. I did try to stand instead of sit down while at the in-laws for a cook out. Everyone kept asking if I wanted to sit down. I was like no I am fine.
My ankles have both been swelled weeks before yesterday when my left ankle was hurting. I noticed they were swelled a week or so ago. I have been keeping up with if the swelling has gone down in my ankles, but they both stayed puffy looking mostly towards the back where the achilles tendon is but close to my ankle. But did not bother me until Friday. I did not do any more than I normally do when we go "shopping".
It seems that when my inflammation is down every where else, my ankles will bother me more. It feels like they are bone on bone rubbing while I walk, which is mostly in my left ankle. I am not sure about this crazy RA crap.
But 2 Ultracets and a robaxin done the trick about 45 mins after taking them. I can flex and move my ankle today, but I also did not do much walking either.
I wonder if it is my shoes rubbing on my ankles that is causing my left ankle to hurt? I remember when I was a kid, that my mom bought this one pair of shoes for me and they rubbed my ankles and made them swell and hurt. These New Balance shoes I got now, make my toes comfy, but I have had trouble with my ankles since buying them.
Ahhh... maybe it is just RA