Just Thinking | Arthritis Information


Thats dangerous!!!!I Know i have a Brain Ache now.. I only felt slightly sick for a couple of days and yes i was on folic acid.  I suppose it reacts differently for everyone. Some people dont get any side effects at all. I feel better now for having the injections. Hope you feel better soondo you have perephial neuropathy...

just like to say anyone reading this  it has took a couple of years of complaining
to finally get blood tests  if you know your body is working wrong
and your doc says tough you have ra keep on at them

My doc is great, he runs blood tests regularly to make sure everything is ok. I havent been diagnosed with neuropathy but I have the numbness and pain in my upper legs and I get electric shock like feelings that happen. I am seeing my rheumy next month so we will see.my doc was sticking needle in my finger tips felt nothing..   
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