Inflamation in your spine? | Arthritis Information


Do any of you experience inflammation in your spine due to RA? I have a very large chest (34DDD) and I’ve always just kind of thought that the pain in my back was due to this; but today all along the bones down my back are hurting. It’s a yucky rainy day here and I don’t feel very good anyway…and I’m due to take my MTX & Humira tomorrow…but I was curious if any of you had problems in your spine that relates to RA.

Thanks for any input you can provide.




 I believe I have RA in my lower back. The literature will also states that RA can settle in your lower back as well as at the base of your skull.  However, my RD is not acknowledging this.


Hi Lovie,

Yes, my doctor has confirmed RA in my spine.  I have three spots, the base of the skull, the middle of my back, and my lower back, that are especially painful, but pretty much the whole spine is affected.  I also have Fibromyalgia, and between the knots caused by that, and the RA, it's very difficult to do much of anything these days.


Hi Lovie and everyone:

I haven't been around or posted for awhile, but when checking in today found so many experiencing the same problems as me.

Would you please check my reply post under the "RA in Lower Back" thread, because my problems are so similar to some of you.

Hi folks

I have had back problems for a long time. Sometimes it feels like somebody is stabbing me right in the vetebrae. I can tell you exactly where it hurts. It's different from regular back pain that is usually not so specific. The only thing that has helped my back pain is Celebrex. I also take Enbrel and Imuran for my arthritis. I don't know whether its RA or degenerative, or some other kind of inflammatory arthritis. I have had DDD in my neck and have had 4 surgeries with plates and screws. I don't think that they always know for sure the exact cause for our pain , so many kinds of arthritis can be going on at the same time. I have 3 kinds of arthritis plus Sjogrens. There seem to be a number of people here on the forum that have more than 1 kind of arthritis.
