A Cruise To Three Fires | Arthritis Information


This cruise that you can take with me is to three fires. Keep in mind that most pictures were taken with the zoom and some are fuzzy. The second fire I took from almost a football field away. No, I didn't start the fires but, at the last fire I got there just as a man was walking away with a gas can, just wish I'd taken his picture. This may be boring but at this time I am working on my latest cruise to Georgia and back and think that you may find it more entertaining.

Good photos..hope noone was hurt.
Looking forward to your next photos
You took great photos, very artistic views.  Not to mention your camera took great pictures itself.
I hope nobody was hurt, houses are put together so close these days that it can become a domino effect so quickly.
Amazing! The colors are just great.
I sure hope that nobody was hurt during those fires!
It is scary how fast those old houses can go up in flames
and head right to the next house
I hope that they find the man with the gas can.
Been wondering where you were, Lev! Happy to see you out and about and keeping busy.
Will be looking forward to your Georgia pics!
Great photos once again.  Your subject matter this time makes me want to ask if you are a stringer?

If you are, way cool!  If not, you would be a good one.
great pictures, but sad. You have well documented the events Lev and you don't take a bad image your self.
I would never have guessed that you would be into photography but I am happy to see what you are doing.
It's a great outlet and good that you are well enough to be out and about.

Do you use DSLR's or the super zoom camera's Bodak2008-06-02 13:17:07Well,
I'm glad that some of you enjoyed these fires. Bubba, you are so smart. Your statement giving credit to the camera is so right on. My eyes just kept the pictures horizontally and vertically correct and my finger just clicked the button. The good thing about photography is that everyone is a good photographer. Oh, and no one was injured in the fires and I doubt that Detroit would ever spend much time looking for a garage arsonist. Oh, Suzanne, what is a "stringer". Did you mean stranger? Haha
[QUOTE=levlarry] If you can stay up all night, they will pay you something.  It isn't a lot, but if you are up, anyway.....You could make better money getting photos of breaking news; once Lev's fires were out, it wouldn't look as good on the front page, for example.

You have to have a sense of what is 'news', too. 
I don't chase down the events; many of us listen to the scanners so that we know when city council is feeding us a line of bull about shootings, break-ins, drug busts, etc.  They tend to paint a very rosy picture that is in stark contrast to what actually goes on. Yes, they paint a rosy picture here, too, until it gets too close to their neighborhoods....
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