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Does it cause damage to exercise arthritic joints, perhaps with a bit of tendonitis?

I have a great fear of damage which is why I agreed to methotrexate.
I think my foot pain may be partly mechanical.
Just curious what others think,  I love to walk, not only for exercise but for my spirits.
Exercise is one of the best things that you can do for RA.  But, you can't approach it the same way you would have in the past.  I would reccomend talking to your dr. or someone else familiar with the disease (trainer at a gym, physical therapist...)   I have started swimming laps-very low impact on the joints.walking won't hurt you or your joints but I would recommend getting a properly fitted pair of walking shoes.
As for any other exercise please get guidance from your doctor about any limitations in your situation then work with a physical therapist or a rehab trained trainer to set up a good program for you and to learn proper exercise technique.  Form is even more important for someone with existing joint problems
I love to walk too!  I'm just at the point where I can start to enjoy it again.... And swimming!!  loads of great exercise there without joint stresses!!Make sure you do a lot of warmup and stretching. I also suffer from tendonitis and bursitis and have to watch this when I exercise. I have had some relief form the tendonitis/bursitis by icing the areas in the evening. I have a tendency to exercise through the pain which is a bad thing but with RA sometimes it's hard to tell if it is ok or not since you can be in pain all the time. With tendonitis especially, some light lifting can be beneficial, depending on the severity, but check with your Dr.

I do believe, however, that exercise has helped me a great deal with the RA.Thanks so much for the replies.  I love to walk and don't want to give it up even temporarily I must admit.I have a great fear of damage which is why I agreed to methotrexate.  qouty dotty

hi dotty i was on mtx and pred for the first 4yrs of my ra.
esr was 98 went to 2. yet still near all the joints in my body were ruined

bottom line is these meds only slow down the erosions for some
insist on regular xrays
