Arthritis Information -Newly what?


I am newly diagnosed, I have another Dr appointment with my GP on the 11th when we will further discuss my test results, the diagnosis, and she will refer me to a Rheumatologist.
I am upset because the closest Rheumatologist is 2 hours away.

I am very busy and I work full time, go to school part time and have three kids ages 6 and 3 year old twins. I fell bad all the time, and am very fatigued. I don't know what to expect with this disease, and I am really scared, for myself and my family.  I was also diagnosed with high blood pressure and a rapid pulse rate. The Dr put me on a beta blocker for this.

What do I do? What questions can I ask? I am so scared right now.

Hi Jenmommi-

I just sent you a private message, rather long, so when you have time you can read it. Just know there's lots of good answers on this forum to questions that you'll have come up and lots of good support on here

Kelly (klynn141)
