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New article about minocycline for strokes, goes over anti-inflamm properties:


Joonie, made me think of you.  Were you on mino when you had your stroke?  Maybe it helped you not have permanent damage?  Anyway, maybe a reason to get back on it since you are still at somewhat of a risk?

From the article:
“It was so interesting to us because we knew that a lot of the limitations of other drugs that had been tried in rodents but didn’t work in stroke patients were that they didn’t cross into the brain,” Dr. Fagan says. “We knew that minocycline did based on previous experiments and the fact that many people who take it for acne or rheumatoid arthritis get dizzy. So we were encouraged by this."

See?  Real doctors and researchers say mino is used to treat RA.  In case you were wondering.
I'm going to show this to my doc.

Suzanne  the dispute isn't whether mino is used to treat RA its in the how to use it, which patients would benefit, how long to stick with it and is it the best thing since sliced bread (lol)Suzanne - nice find.  Makes me wonder why this particular drug treatment causes such controversy.  There are plenty of other drugs that are handed out like candy without regards to usage, benefits, length of treatment, if its the right treatement ... [QUOTE=Suzanne]From the article:
“It was so interesting to us because we knew that a lot of the limitations of other drugs that had been tried in rodents but didn’t work in stroke patients were that they didn’t cross into the brain,” Dr. Fagan says. “We knew that minocycline did based on previous experiments and the fact that many people who take it for acne or rheumatoid arthritis get dizzy. So we were encouraged by this."

See?  Real doctors and researchers say mino is used to treat RA.  In case you were wondering.

Seems to me that a big part of the debate is whether minocycline works due to its antimicrobial properties or due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
As I said to the creepy breast doc rheumy (#5 on my list when trying to get AP) - Does it matter if it works by killing something, or if it works another way, or if it works because I want it to work so bad.  Tell me, does it matter how it works?  He looked away and never answered me.
Jas - seriously, do you think people would be more willing to try it if I said it wasn't killing anything?  We know I think it is because of all the research I've seen where microbes are syphoning needed mineral and vitamins like iron etc.  What's the difference if its an infection - I'd think people would get revved about that?
Buckeye - you mean its not the best thing since sliced bread???
Edited for employing a double negative!
Pip!2008-06-02 17:06:18Hey girl, I dunno - just giving my opinion on why it seems to be such an issue. Darn, because that's something that makes me wonder.  Why are we so into the thought that our body is attacking itself?  Doesn't that say there is something inherently wrong with us?  When I saw infection, I was like, cool, I can fix that.
so am I a plaq-head, or a fish-head, or... oh... nevermind oooh oooh I know - I'm a Coke-head.

Coca-cola can fix ANYTHING (for a few minutes anyway!!!!)
Well, recently in the news is it has to do with T cells being wired wrong so it is not always infection. Plus the fact that it is not just take this and your cured.  There's diet considerations and I keep talking about the emotional aspect.  It is interesting that even the founder of the MP therapy says if there is emotional trauma then MP WILL NOT work.
All parts have to be fixed to be whole.  I think the AP advice should be given with realistic disclaimers like "It worth a try but keep on top of your x-rays to monitor damage"  "It doesn't work for everyone". 
I think what gets everyone stirred is the statements that it works for everyone.
Just my 2 cents :)
Hey LuAnn!
I don't think I ever said that...I may think that ;-) but I haven't said that.  LOL
I agree about diet and especially since I think the gut is a huge component.  And I do say get X-ray's to monitor until you reach remission.  I get mine in September (unless...).  And the PNI research is astounding - if there was an emotional aspect, that HAS to be dealt with.  Do you have a link to the MP will not work with emotional trauma?  That seems to be so unlike TM - but true IMO - but I can't believe he finally said that.  Not doubting you...just questioning him. 
Also, do you have that T cell wiring thing?  That's interesting to me because most of the research I've seen says these microbes are adept at changing cells to suit them.  They kind of 're-key' the lock so that enzymes, hormones, etc. don't work properly.  So, if I had that I could look for the rest of that part of the puzzle.
And Jas - I am NOT calling you a coke-head!  Imagine the fun Lev would have with that!
Pip!2008-06-02 19:51:00Hey Pip,
I'm a casual internet surfer and actually freaked on the MP thing because I think the mind is a powerful tool in the healing process. The article was one of the links on the MP board or site. The T cell thing was on TV, some PBS program but my doctor also thinks along those lines hence the process of wiping out the entire immune system.  Then there's the memory cells and what they come back as ????
Its a complex battle especially when dealing with the 1500 chemicals that are called endrocrine disrupters in our food, products, water, medicines etc.
It's a battle but it can be won!!!!!
Sorry Pip, I'm green, I don't save paper or links. LOL
Found it, it was Dr Mercola who stated the MP and emotional trauma article......:0
stemcell4me2008-06-03 06:30:32
Jasmine Rain:
Seems to me that a big part of the debate is whether minocycline works due to its antimicrobial properties or due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

I guess I don't see it that way, because to me it doesn't matter as long as it helps you.     They use mtx to carpet-bomb, it isn't targeted at any one thing, and it works the best of anything out there, doesn't it?
Suzanne2008-06-03 06:37:41Never said everyone saw it that way; it just seems to me that many do I didn't take it as that, but wanted to quote you because that is what I was responding to and it was further back in the thread.
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