Arthritis Information -New here *waves*


Hey my name is Lisa, and I saw an orthopedic surgeon a week ago because my primary care thought I had torn my meniscus (cartalidge). Well she did an xray there and diagnosed with me Osteoarthritis. I of course took a blood test to rule out autoimnune and that I don't have.

Apparently I have had Osteo for a long time now! In the xray most of my cartalidge from my right knee is no longer there!
I am in a great deal of pain and have been. Sometimes it's okay then it hurts. I see a physical therapist shortly to get me back into exercising.
I can't bend, kneel, squat or do lunges they say in the meantime. They say I can walk for a half an hour on my treadmill very slowely.
I am trying to loose weight I have one hundred pounds to loose and I was estatic to hear i could get back into my regular routine of exercising!!!!
I had been exercising everyday from the end of January 2008 to the beginning of May 2008 when my knee buckled and popped and I couldn't.
Of course I was walking an hour at a high speed basically over doing it.
They say slowely for a half an hour every day and then the physical therapist will tell me what to do after I see them.
I don't need surgery as of not yet, I guess first physical therapy and then determine what to do.
I am disappointed that I can't walk on the treadmill and exercise because of the great pain my knee is in. When it locks it hurts extremely bad and it makes all these popping noises which is expected when you have little cartalidge left!
So I am at a loss..should I exercise to loose weight even if my knee hurts or no exercise???
I have a call into my doctor saying I can't even walk on the treadmill and my knee hurts very bad.
I can't wait to see the pyhsical therapist. I really need to get back into the exercise as it is beneficial for my weight loss and basically mental health and feeling healthy.
Hello limichelle23,
 I do agree that getting some sort of exercise is great for your health
all the way around and mental health is one of them.
Have you looked into a health club for swimming? So many now have the
heated thearapy pools now for people like us. And swimming is great for
all the muscles.
I also love walking and cannot right now but we just have to get creative
with new workouts that agree with our bodies.
Oh! And welcome here!
Thanks for your response Maimi
I was able to get back on the treadmill today for thirty minutes at a slow speed. So I am happy I can get back on track.
I also love swimmng my fiance he has a swimming pool so I will be definitly as much as I can swimming when I see him. :-)
Boy! I wish I had a fiance with a pool!
But my husband probley would not like that.
