Orencia success? | Arthritis Information


Just wondering something.............after having "failed" with both Humira and Enbrel, after 4 months of infusions, Orencia finally seems to be helping me! YAY! Today, my rheumy said that in his experience, he has never had a patient that once they responded favorably to Orencia, later found that it wasn't helpful any more...........just wondering what experiences you may have had with this drug, after having tried other biologics? (TRYING not to get my hopes up that this may be my salvation, but it's not easy!)  Thanks to anyone who takes the time to reply.........

Many blessings,

So happy Orencia is starting to work for you!  I sure can share your feelings about being afraid to get your hopes up -- I'm going through the same thing.  Just had my third Orencia infusion today and really haven't seen any improvement yet.  I was on Enbrel for most of the last eight years, but it eventually didn't do the job.  I was also told that Orencia appears to work for a long period of time and that after a year, patients were still seeing improvement.  Many blessings to you too, and may you continue on this good path!
Dogmom -- Sorry I just realized I mispelled your name on the last post! 
Dogmom, that's great news!  Did you see any improvement at all before the 4-month mark or did it just suddenly seem to start working?
I will be getting my 4th infusion tomorrow (so I'm at the 2-month mark), but no improvement yet.  I want to give it more time, but my RD (who usually wants me to wait) seems discouraged already.
Thanks Inner Glow and Sharon!  I really appreciate your encouraging words!  For what it's worth, my rheumy said that it takes AT LEAST 4 months to really see an improvement..........almost an interminable time to wait, isn't it? (Why DO these meds take so darn long?)  Try to be patient a bit longer........I know it's hard to do!!!  I pray that this drug works well for all of us who are struggling with this disease.........

PS - Inner Glow, I'm sorry I didn't really answer your question earlier - my first hint at a positive response to Orencia, was that I realized that after about a week after an infusion, I noticed that I just didn't hurt as badly?  But, as I got closer to my next infusion, I noticed some aches coming back in my most tender joints:  my rheumy and my IV nurse said that is the way it usually seems to work at first?  I really hope that you too see an improvement before your next infusion is due............please keep me posted on your progress?

Thanks for sharing your good news. It is a great way to start off the week here...

LynnI'm very happy that you're seeing progress.  It's a help to others who are seeking remission.  There's always hope.  LindyDogmom, you actually made me consider what's going on, and it's pretty interesting.  I had the infusions at week 0, week 2, and week 4.  Around week 6, my body became very unhappy and stayed that way.  It didn't occur to me that maybe it was looking for the next dose of Orencia...who knows?  We'll see what happens after I get it tomorrow.
BTW, what kinds of dogs are you mom to?  My own mother is very much a dog mom, although she doesn't have any doggies anymore.
I am on my 6th infusion of Orenica, & I am feeling better, I do have some pain, because I feel better & over do things....I was on Cymbalta & switched to Paxil, I am taking care of my Dad with Demminita, & I am trying to stay out of a depression, I thought the EXECISSIVE SWEATING  was from Cymbaltam but I still have them, there not hormone related had that ck......But i think the Orenica is going to work, hope it works for everyone elese....

Well I have been on Orencia since Sept 06.  I have seen some improvement and I have had some hard days.  It does help and I will keep taking it for that reason.  If I can remember to take all the Meds correctly it works like a charm but some times I forget to take stuff. I wish you well. I am able to walk with out a cane. I can get in and out of the car with no assitance and BEST of all


DX 1996 RA 12 years
Orencia, Prednisone, Methox, Fosamax, Folic Acid

Hi your2smart!  So very glad to hear that Orencia is working for you and keeping you going strong!!  Wonderful!  I can sympathize w/you re taking all the meds properly - sometimes I leave myself Sticky Notes to remind me?!  Also good to hear that you have the energy to enjoy the things you do - I pray that with my considerable pain relief, some of my lost energy will return soon?  I know I should be grateful right now, and take one day at a time, I guess..........blessings to you and all others who are suffering right now.

Hi Dogmom! After failing all other biologics, I've been on Orencia for a little over a year, and it's worked quite well for me.  My only problem is that I have had to have two increases in dosage since I started it. Several months ago I started becoming symptomatic by the second or third week post infusion. My RD bumped me up to 750 mg, but that didn't seem to help, so last month he bumped it up to 1000 mg and that seems to be holding me the 4 weeks between infusions. I'm also on 25 mg. Methotrexate weekly, and Prednisone 5 mg. daily. I hate being on all these meds, but we do what we have to do. Good luck! Interesting Samantha.............I guess it's a good thing that your increased Orencia dosage is holding down your symptoms, but I understand what you mean re hating to take all of these meds.  However, I guess my feeling is that it's not so bad of a trade-off, as long as we keep up with our doc appts., bloodwork, etc.  Just curious:  how is your fatigue, and how do you sleep at night, if I may ask?  Although after 3 hip replacements and a total shoulder replacement, I gave up school-teaching and went on permanent disability several years ago, I still "crash and burn" in the mid-afternoon, and value a nice nap:  that however, usually keeps me from sleeping well at night, and forces me to take Tylenol PM??  Ugh!  Any hints for me?!  Thanks so much and I wish you a blessed, pain-free day...........


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