Methotextrate - Stiffness and Urinating Frequently | Arthritis Information


I just started taking methotextrate last week.  I tried reading up on side effects but I don't see mine on any of the lists.

I took it on saturday night.  This is my second week.  For the past 2 days, I've been feeling it working on my body.  I don't know exactly how to describe it, but it feels like my blood is tingling.  It doesn't hurt, it just tingles.
However, the side effect I am getting that I don't like is that I feel very stiff.  But it's not my usual stiffness from inflammation.  I think the methotextrate is actually doing a good job at stopping the inflammation.  Instead, I am feeling a more achy type of stiffness.
I also had to get up like once an hour last night to urinate.  It was very annoying to keep getting up and made me groggy all day.
Did anyone else have these 2 side effects?
Thanks for any input,
Hi Cindy,
I have been taking mtx for 3 weeks now and I have the frequent urination also. I am up at least 3 times a night usually about 5.  I had no idea it was related to the drug though. Now that I have read your post I think it might be. I go to the dr. next week and I will ask. I will let you know.
Good luck and hang in there.
My daughter had the same problem on mtx, but we were told it wasn't related.  It was very hard on her, because she was so young, proud to be in 'big girl panties', and having accidents again.  We could barely go anywhere in the car, because if she fell asleep (common, while on mtx....) she had an accident.  She was still sleeping in Pullups, and it would soak through the Pullup and all her bedding in the night - but she she was not consuming any more liquids at all.  Stopped when we stopped it.

It had happened on Motrin before we stopped it, too.  I wondered if there was something in the inactive ingredients in both those meds, that caused that in her.  That would explain why it happened to some people and not others, or that maybe you could switch brands and it wouldn't happen.    I took MTX for 8 years and didn't have those problems. Are you taking Prednisone? That can cause frequent urination....I drink alot of water the day of MTX dose and the day after.. because otherwise I get a headache (like a hangover headache)
are you drinking more?
Been on MXT for 4 years without this side effect.  I do drink at least 60 oz. of fluid the day of and the day after if possible.  Lindy

Do you think its bad for our bodies to pee so much?  Especially since methotextrate is known to be unkind to our kidneys ... or was it liver?

It always scared me, when it happened to my daughter.  I took her to the doctor and when they tested it, they couldn't find anything wrong, but it was very diluted.  It looked like water in the specimen cup.  That can't be good.

Doctors had no theories beyond 'it's not supposed to be a side effect'; my mom's theory was that if it was to reduce swelling, that fluid had to be going somewhere.
I don't think I've had that side effect, or at least when I urinate often I didn't think MTX had anything to do with it.  Don't really know.
Suzanne, I want to cry every time I hear about your little girl.  It's just so unfair that a child has to deal with diseases that an adult can barely cope with.   I like to tell myself that for the young ones, there is a good chance a cure will be found that will give them total relief. Is she doing OK? Please forgive me if I missed one of your posts with an update, even if I read it, I would have trouble retaining it.  Chemo brain at its worst.  
Oh Jesse, I don't want you to feel like crying!  She had some terrible times, but lately she has had some great times!  We are doing what everybody with this disease should do - enjoy the good times!  We know it can change, and we know what can happen, we've been there.

She had an awesome, busy week last week.  School all day, then straight to the pool for 'swim team' (she is actually on the 'developmental team' LOL).  Since big sis is on the real swim team, we have to stay until her practice ends at 7:30.  Long day for a little one!  But she never slows down - swims the whole time and is even going off the diving board into the deep end. 

She blows me away.  The coach even has the little ones pull themselves up out of the pool, instead of using the ladder.   I don't know how she does it, with her fingers and wrist like they are, but she does.  Over and over.
Thanks Suzanne, that's encouraging, but the whole thing still stinks.  It's just so wrong.   I'm truly glad she's enjoying her little girl life, as she should.  Hugs to her and to you.   