Newly diagnosed and scared | Arthritis Information


I am newly diagnosed, I have another Dr appointment with my GP on the 11th when we will further discuss my test results, the diagnosis, and she will refer me to a Rheumatologist.
I am upset because the closest Rheumatologist is 2 hours away.

I am very busy and I work full time, go to school part time and have three kids ages 6 and 3 year old twins. I fell bad all the time, and am very fatigued. I don't know what to expect with this disease, and I am really scared, for myself and my family.  I was also diagnosed with high blood pressure and a rapid pulse rate. The Dr put me on a beta blocker for this.

What do I do? What questions can I ask? I am so scared right now. I guess I should add that I am scared about medical costs, prescription costs, and quality of life, on top of just not knowing what to expect.  [QUOTE=jennmommi]I guess I should add that I am scared about medical costs, prescription costs, and quality of life, on top of just not knowing what to expect.  [/QUOTE]

Although the newer biologicals can be quite costly, there are older, VERY affordable treatments.  Without insurance, my plaquenil would be about a month.  I think I pay under with insurance.  I also use fish oil, which costs me about a month.  This regimen has all but eliminated pain and stiffness, though I still have issues with fatigue. 

If I need occasional pain relief, I use naproxen (cheap, over-the-counter).  Medrol (one-week steroid regimen) and tramadol or vicodin get me through a flare, for about .

Others here use minocycline or other antibiotic regimens, which I believe are also very affordable.

You don't have to spend a fortune to feel better.
Welcome!  I understand your fear!  I was just diagnosed in February.  What kind of insurance do you have?  In terms of not knowing what to expect, it's a gradual process of acknowledging that you have an illness, but focusing on feeling as good as you can, doing all you can to support your health, and accepting it when you aren't 100%, asking for help as necessary.  Outcomes really do vary, but try to get as much info from your doctor as you can, and read books if you can!  There is an "Arthritis for Dummies" etc. 

I am sorry about the drive to an RD!  That is so frustrating!
I am a full time lawyer and I have a 1 year old and 3 year old, so I understand being busy.  I try to do as much as I can at home but delegate heavy lifting to my husband and I do the stuff (like reading stories) that doesn't take as much physical effort.  Do you have people who can support you in this way?  Try to use all your resources!
I am sure you will find lots of information and support here.  I had a lot of depression and anxiety when I was first diagnosed, but I worked through it, and I'm sure you can too!  I chose to go on antidepressants, which aren't for everyone, and I also saw a therapist, who was very helpful.
Writing in a journal has also helped me.
Let us know how your doctor visits go!
Hey there and welcome!
Please try not to be scared and to just learn about what is going on.  Of course, I was scared out of my mind and mostly about my daughter.  So, seeing you have 3, I'm guessing that's where a lot of the fear is coming from.  Trust me, we're going to live a long enough to totally embarress the kids!  You (and they) will be fine.
Yes, some of our meds can be very inexpensive.  And there are patient programs for some of the meds too. 
