red, itchy knuckles=flare up? | Arthritis Information


A few weeks ago, I started taking Celebrex and about 36 hours later, had red knuckles in my hands that itched and burned like being attacked by fire ants.  I assumed that it was the meds so I stopped taking them.  A couple of weeks later, I had another couple of episodes and began to wonder if it wasn't the C at all.  A couple weeks later, I decided to try the C samples again and did fine. 

Do flare ups possibly present themselves as I described?
I've never had that happen as part of a flareup.  Perhaps you just had some sort of mild contact dermatitis?   Maybe but it was off and on for about 2 days before it quit.  It was the weirdest thing!!  It lessened in intensity for those 2 days and then not again for a couple of weeks but still not as intense.  I thought it was weird that a med would be so location specific.  I would have understood an all over itching but just in the joints?    Just looking for insight.  I know that there are rare cases of terrible SE from Celebrex and don't want to be trading the itching for something more extreme!I hear ya... but I do think we also have to be cautious not to blame every symptom on the RA and/or its treatments.  Sometimes a rash is just a rash; a sore ankle is just the result of tripping over the cat. Hi  Sunam,

Are you allergic to sulfa type drugs??  My understanding is Celebrex does contain some type of sulfa compound.  What your experiencing may be the start of an allergic reaction to sulfa.  You might want to call your rheumatologist and explain what is happening to you when you take the drug.

Is it possible this is a sun allergy?  I am allergic to the sun, and it often starts in the spring on my knuckles where the sun comes in through the windshield when I am driving.  My hands turn bright red and develop an extremely itchy rash.  Then as I wear shorter sleeves, or shorts the rash spreads up my arms and onto my legs.