Anyone evertaken rosteril? | Arthritis Information


Dr. is givne me this to help me sleep/I have read that it is a short term med. and can cause depression which I already have.I would like to know what others have exsperinced with this sleep aid.


Don't know it.  Sorry Sheila.  Can you do a search?  If you can't, I will search it for you.  Let me know.  It looks like a common sleep aid for fibros.I have been gaving trouble sleeping due to pain.Of course the pharmacy didn't have it in stock,so I will get to try it tom.On top of that my psych. had to increase my prozac to 80mg. a day.Depression is pretty severe due to all that has happened with almost losing the house,girls being sick,me getting dx. with fibro and certain family stuff.This has been a really bad year.I hope by Feb 13th,my 40th birthday,I am back down to my slim sexy self,my girls are well and we have enough money to have a party.Next year has got to be better.