Increase MTX or add NSAID | Arthritis Information


I posted a little while back about having mini flares on the regular basis. I had my RD appointment this morning and told him about the stiffness I have been having lately and the swollen puffy thumb I have. He said I could increase my MTX to 0.7 cc a week or add Motrin to the mix. I am thinking the Motrin would be better than increasing my MTX-but I don't know. I just worry about my liver, and I do not know which will be less harmful. Any suggestions would be welcome.Nsaid are for relieving pain and the MTX is to prevent  further progress of the disease..

Id rather prevent than  relive pain I didnt need to have..
If it were me I'd increase the MTX.. you are on a fairly low dose right now
Are you having any problems/side effects with the mtx dose you take now?I agree that it's more important to stop the problem than to treat it's effect.  By stopping the damage, you'll most likely stop or slow the inflammation too.  But I'm curious why the RD gave you that choice?  Doesn't he think that you'll stop damage by increasing the MTX?  Isn't he worried about just treating the symptoms and not stopping the real culprit?   Is there something here I don't understand?  Jesse882008-06-04 10:38:39

I agree. Add more MTX. You aren't on that much now; you've got lots of wiggle room there. Even a little bit more will make a difference. The IUB in high doses can burn a whole in your stomach. That's not much fun either.

Not that I don't take plenty of IUB....but it's not as safe as some may think.
