CCP Blood Test | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone -

I was a member on this board about 100 years ago
I recently moved and have just seen a new doctor (how I hate switching doctors)...
Anyway, I was diagnosed with RA in 2002.  Since then, a new blood test has surfaced called CCP and my new doctor wants to test my blood for it. 
Has anyone had this test?  I've done some reading online about it and it seems like it's more of a test they do at the onset of the disease.. I find it strange that want to do it 6 years in!

Hi Allison, and welcome back.  Sorry you're in a bad flare.  Yes, I've had the CCP (or anti-CCP as it's sometimes called), but like you said, it was during the diagnosis stage.  It is a bit strange that they want to do it now, but ask the doctor why and maybe we'll all learn something.

For more info on the test, you can check out  I just read the overview and it can sometimes be used to evaluate prognosis...maybe that's what the new doc is doing?
