RA Friends | Arthritis Information


help, half my posts aren't going up and the ones I do post take ages to go one - anyone have any idea why????  it's rubbish

Ummm...no I have no idea.

What operating system are you running? Windows XP? Windows ME? Other? Fire Fox?

don't have a clue this is my dad's pc - maybe i'll have better luck on mine when i get it up and running again  Ok julie! I hope you get your up and running as well.

If, you are hitting the "preview" button, you still need to scroll to the bottom where you typed your post and hit "post". Maybe that is the problem.

And there is also a shortcut for posting...

hit alt+s to submit/post

See Joonie, you should do tech support somewhere

Yeah, murphette I should. But this is a lil town and not many big towns surrounding us.

I wish I could do something I like.

I am not 100% sure but I think that the administrators of RA Friends can change the flood gate controls, if there is one on the board ( mostly used for spamming control) in the administration panel.  Usually it will show 60 sec. but it can be changed to 20 sec. and it will help with the time between when you post and when it gets logged onto the board.  Hopefully this is what is happening, as this is an easy fix.

It could also be found under " Flood interval"





Ok waddles will check in to that


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