false negative ANA | Arthritis Information


This says rheumatologists are having a problem with ANA testing:

(If someone already posted this, sorry I missed it!)
Wow, this is disturbing.  I was told that you can have a false positive ANA, but if you have a negative result, it is a definite negative.  Makes you wonder how many people have been told they don't have Lupus and they really do!Yikes.  Isn't the ANA where they test for mycoplasmas?  Thanks Suzanne, great find.Cathy - don't you need to be retested?  With the you 'really don't have Lupus' re-re-re-diagnosis?

I get my ANA checked every two months.  I recently discovered this is the mycoplasmas test.  I am starting to suspect I  have "mild" RA, probably from the DES - which promised a Bigger, Stronger, Better Baby !!!  The posters are wild.  The names of the drugs - Desplex!  ad nauseum.  Eli Lily.  I am not happy about the new coming out about Enbrel, etc. and cancer, especially with children and youths.  Sounds like a redo of DES. 
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