Whoa!! weight gain w/Prednisone | Arthritis Information


What in the world is happening. I started on Prednisone last christmas from 20mg to 10 mg down to 5 mg for the last two months.

Now I look and feel like a FAT SOW
Anyone out there feel the same way.  This is getting out of hand I'm going on Vacation in the next few weeks and I want to be able to move I think when I come back I'm going to taper off this med.  I can't take this bloated and fatness.
Anyone have any suggestions.Yep prednisone will bloat you. It has to do with your salt intake, I believe. I will bloat up if I drink cokes or carbonated drinks, but it usually goes away if I drink tea or water.
I hope you can figure something out to help with the bloating-ness. I have yet to figure out a solution.

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